Trudy could tell something bad happened, but as soon as Stevie saw her kids her face lit up and she asked them to put Cole on the bed next to her. She then pulled up her knees and her mom placed Zara with her back against her knees so Stevie could look at her and have her as close as possible.

While Stevie was chatting with her kids, Peter took Trudy to the hallway to explain what happened.
As expected Trudy was livid and she was about to go to Stevie's house to find Mitch and cut his dick off so she could shove it up his ass.

Peter was tempted to let her go ahead and do it, but decided they needed to be here for their daughter. So they went back inside and plastered a smile on their faces, trying to be as cheerful as possible for Cole and Zara.

When Zara started to get fussy and tired they had to leave, but Trudy went back later.
She found her daughter crying her eyes out and she just sat with her, stroked her hair and cried with her.
As if Stevie getting cancer wasn't enough, now she also has to try to heal her broken heart.

When Stevie comes into the cosy kitchen, Trudy just puts a fresh fruit salade on the table.
That together with some sandwiches will be a nice, light but healthy lunch for the warm summer day it is now.

It's nearing the end of August already and so far it has been a bit a crazy summer weather wise.
For days on end it has been hot and then there was a period where it almost seemed fall has already begun.
At the moment it is just very pleasant outside which is why Peter took Cole to the playground so the little boy could get his energy out.

When they come bursting in for lunch Stevie's face lights up. Her kids are the lights in her life and she can't wait until she is all healed up so she can finally do everything with them again.
It's hard to watch her parents bathe Zara because she can't yet. She is able to hold her when she is sitting down, but she can't pick her up from her cot or the floor.
Or it's not exactly that she can't, it's more the fact that she is not allowed to do any lifting.

A few more weeks and then she will do it herself again.
"Did your oncologist call yet?" Her mom asks her.
"Not yet, I'm sure he will soon."
She had a scan last Friday to see if she will need radiotherapy or not and today her oncologist should call with the results.

It would be amazing if she didn't have to undergo more treatments. She would bounce back so much faster if the surgery would be enough. But she also knows she shouldn't get her hopes up too much. It can also be bad news which would mean she will have additional treatment.

She puts some fruit in her bowl, not because she is hungry, but because she knows she needs to eat to make sure her body will be able to heal.
"Mommy I sit with you?" Cole asks.
"Of course sweetie. You climb on my lap."

Within seconds her little boy is sitting on her lap, she can almost smell the sunshine in his hair and she enjoys having him so close to her.
She pricks her fork in a piece of melon and holds it in front of Cole who takes a big bite off it.
Once he finishes this bit, she takes one herself.

Together with her son she finishes the entire bowl before handing him a sandwich.
"You washed your hands when you came inside right?" She asks him holding the sandwich just out of reach for him. Even though she already knows he did.
He tries to grab the sandwich, giggling as she's just pulls it away when he almost has it.
"Yes mommy I wash hands! Look."
He shows her his clean hands and she gives him his sandwich.

Just when she is about to take a bite of her own, her phone rings.
On the screen she sees Wendy's name light up on the screen.

"Wendy hi! How are you guys doing? How is the restaurant?"
It's the first time she hears anything from either Wendy or Calvin since she told them about the breast cancer.
Her colleagues texted a few times, but not her bosses.

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