Before she starts her breakfast she really has to go to the toilet to empty her bladder. The medicine that she gets through the IV are amazing, but she's also on fluids and they make her need to pee a lot.
Since she is able to walk perfectly fine, there's just no way she is going to use a bedpan.

She gets out of bed and tries to stand as straight as possible. It all feels so tight and sore, but it's still manageable pain wise.

She uses the toilet and then decides to have breakfast out of bed. She takes a seat at the small table she has in her room. It just makes her feel a bit more like herself. She's not the type of person to just lay in bed and wait to get better. When she had her babies she was walking around that same day.

She has been lucky both times to have two very easy home births. Maybe that's also a reason she wouldn't mind doing it again.
But she knows that with Mitch she won't have more children and even though that makes her a bit sad, she decided to just enjoy Cole and Zara and accept the fact that she will be a mom of two and not four like she always wanted.

"Hey you're out of bed." Mitch walks in with a cup of take away coffee in his hand.
It's probably one of those decaf, almond milk brews that she thinks are disgusting.
She prefers her coffee strong with just a little bit of sugar.

"Yeah you know I don't like to be in bed all day. I feel fine so I thought I might as well have breakfast here. At least I won't have crumbs in bed now." She smiles and hopes he comes over for a kiss, but he just sits down on the recliner chair and sighs.

"Did you sleep ok?" She asks him a bit hurt.
"It was alright. I was watching a movie so I ended up falling asleep a bit late." He says.
Not that it is the whole truth though.
He called Tiffany to come over and they watched a movie before having sex on the sofa.
It felt amazing to have her there and not worry about Stevie walking in on them.

She even stayed the night before going back home this morning and he had to promise her he would end things with Stevie today.
He's a bit nervous, he will go from something he knows, to the unknown of a new relationship. But it will be worth it in the end. Of that he is sure.

He now just has to decide what will be the right moment to tell Stevie about them being over.
Maybe her having breakfast isn't the best time, she has cutlery and she might get so mad she will stab him with something.
No it will have to wait until she is done eating.

That idea also gets thrown out of the window when her surgeon comes in after she finished breakfast.

"Good morning. Are you ready to change the dressings? I have to check the incisions to see if they are not red or swollen and if you feel up to it you can see how your chest looks now. I think you won't be disappointed." He says.
"Yeah I guess I'm ready for it. I'm a bit scared though." She admits.

"That's understandable. If it's too much for you, you don't have to look of course. If you do look, don't be too shocked when you see the incisions. They will heal and the scars will fade to white lines once they are properly healed."

Stevie nods and the surgeon helps her get back on the bed. He puts a hand mirror next to hear so she can look if she wants to.
A nurse comes in to help her out of the hospital gown.

"I will step outside for a moment." Mitch says as he is about to walk out of the room.
"No please! Stay with me." Stevie pleads. She needs his support in this important moment, she doesn't think she can do this alone.

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