It takes work to lead.

Start from the beginning


"He just came up to you?" Kayce frowned at Oakley while she finished pulling out a tray of cookies.

"Yeah," Oakley shrugged, placing the hot tray on the counter with the other one. "Said he wanted work."

Oakley counted the cookies again, knowing she needed two dozen for each kid's classroom tomorrow. The school was doing a teacher appreciation party in each classroom and Oakley had volunteered to bring cookies. She shut the oven door and looked up at Kayce finally, noticing his frown.

"He's first gotta find us," Oakley said. "Didn't look like he had a car, so he's also gotta physically get here tomorrow to even try."

"Just don't like some stranger coming up to you in a parking lot," Kayce leaned his hands on the counter. "Most hands find the ranch and then ask us here."

"Yeah," Oakley nodded. "I sort of froze at first, if I'm being honest."

"Just walk away from 'em next time," Kayce told her.

"I can't do that," Oakley sighed. "I do handle the pay around here and we need some more help as the weather warms up."

"Let Rip handle the hiring and firing though," Kayce said.

"Kayce..." Oakley was now placing each cookie on a cooling rack. "I need to do this."

"Not if it makes you uncomfortable," Kayce said.

"I'm only uncomfortable because I make myself, uncomfortable" Oakley glanced up at him. "I need to get back into work...your father has handled things the past three weeks and God knows what those books look like."

"I've looked at the books at night," Kayce said.

Oakley paused her movements.

"What?" Oakley asked.

"I've looked at the books each night since you...took your break," Kayce said.

"Didn't know you did that," Oakley resumed moving the cookies over.

"Just...trying to help," Kayce watched Oakley finish.

Oakley gave Kayce a small smile.

"I smell cookies," Tate walked into the kitchen.

"You can have one," Oakley eyed him. "One."

"Thanks," Tate grabbed a cookie and bit into it. "Hey, Dad? Can we go riding tomorrow?"

"Uh...maybe," Kayce said. "Gotta lot of work to do around here though."

"Maybe in the afternoon?" Tate said.

"I think that'd be nice," Oakley rinsed off the trays.

"I wanna be here for the cattle haul," Kayce looked at Oakley and she understood.

"We'd be finished by the afternoon," Oakley said. "Plenty of time for a short ride for both of you."

"Wanna invite Lee?" Kayce looked at Tate.

"We can," Tate shrugged.

"I'll take Lee and Evelyn to my mom's," Oakley said, sensing Tate wanted some one-on-one time with his dad. "Been meaning to for the last...well, a few months."

"You sure?" Kayce looked at her as Tate walked back out of the kitchen satisfied.

"He wants some time with you," Oakley whispered.

"Alright," Kayce smiled, reaching for a cookie.

"One," Oakley pointed her spatula at him.


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