Chapter Three: Dinner / Homework Night

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Friday morning was different - Liam was sick

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Friday morning was different - Liam was sick. Fiona and Penny was awake all night with him - however Penny made Ian and Fiona go to work and Debbie and Lip to school. So she stayed home that day with her little brother.

Liam was sleeping on the couch and Penny cleaned around him when there was knock on the front door. Penny didn't answer it at first - she looked out the window where she saw James.

Puzzled she went to door not before checking her brother, seeing he was okay - he answered the door.

"You wasn't at school so I asked Lip if I could come and keep you company while you look after your brother." James said in one breath when she opened the door.

Seeing his stressed state she let him laughing a little - locking the door back up.

"Oh my mother packed some food for you guys." he said giving her the tupperware box containing spaghetti. "Thank you." Penny said taking it from him.

"Come through. Don't mind the mess - I was cleaning." she said blushing a little bit which James saw and smiled at the sight.

"How come you came here?" Penny asked putting the spaghetti in the fridge. James watches her with watchful eyes. "Oh - I got worried and decided to keep you company." He explained as she turned to him smiling looking down.

The peaceful time in the kitchen ended when Penny heard Liam cry and went running in to him - "hey, calm down. It's okay baby." Penny said comforting Liam, she rocked him back to sleep after a good 10 minutes.

"My dad's a doctor - if you were worried about him, I could always call him." James offered seeing her panicked state. "No, thank you - I think he just ate something that doesn't agree with him." Penny said tucking Liam's blanket under his legs.

"I think we can postpone later to another day if needed." James offered. Penny looked at him and before she could answer Fiona came home on her lunch break to check on everything.

"Oh James - I thought today was a school day?" Fiona said asking him confused. He laughed a little, "Yeah it is but I got worried when I didn't see Penny come in to school with Lip" James explained making Fiona smile and looked at her sister.

"You and Lip still go tonight - Me, Liam, Ian and Debbie can wait until next week or something." Fiona offered going into the kitchen getting some food. "Are you sure Fi?" Penny asked knowing how tired she will be after work.

Fiona heats up some food, "yeah, you've been here all day. Go tonight, have some fun but don't forget to do your homework." she said making Penny and James smile.

Penny went up to Fiona hugging her - "thank you, thank you, thank you." Penny kept saying until Fiona pulled away smiling. "I'm going back to work. Bye Bye." Fiona said smiling walking out locking the front door.

"So it looks like you have company later." Penny said teasing James his eyes never leaving her. "And I'm not complaining." James countered her teasing.

A little while later - they are sitting on the couch, Liam's head is on Penny's legs - half way through James noticed her head was on his shoulder.

It didn't take him long to know she has fallen asleep.

He carried on watching the movie, about an hour or so later she woke up apologizing about falling asleep on him.

"Hey Pen, I'm sorry but I have to leave. My mother wants me to help get the house ready for you guys later." James said scoffing at the fuss Esme is making.

Going to the front door to say bye - he bent down and kissed her cheek leaving her in a blushing mess. "I'll pick you guys up later." James said leaving.

A few more hours went by and the family came home from school/ work. Penny made dinner for everyone except her and Lip as Esme is cooking for them.

When Fiona got home, she showered and took over from Penny as she got ready - just as she was putting her shoes on - a car horn went off outside.

"It's James and Maddie. Penny come on. Bye Fiona." Lip said walking over to Fiona hugging her and say bye to the rest of them.

Lip and Penny made their way outside James got out the car, shaking Lips hand - "Maddie is in the back of you want to join her." He offered him.

Lip got into the car and James lead Penny around to the passenger side, opening the door and helping her inside.

Once she was in the car James made his way to the driver side. He got in, buckled his seat belt, made sure everyone no one forgot anything - he started to drive at to his house.

Pulling into the drive away - Maddie and Lip got out the back. Maddie walked up to the front door and unlock it while Penny was getting out.

"Come on, I think Esme is finishing the food" Maddie said taking Lips hand and pulling Pennys arm into the kitchen.

"Esme! Meet my new friend and new best friend!" Maddie said smiling at her adoptive mother. Esme smiled at her and walk around the kitchen to her children and their friends.

"Welcome, I'm Esme and you two must be Penny and Lip. I've heard so much about you two." Esme said hugging all of them. "Thank you for having us. Your house is amazing by the way." Penny said smiling at the woman.

Esme smiled brightly at the young girl. "You four get on with your homework and Penny and Lip I'll shout you when your food is ready." Esme said smiling leading them into the living room - Penny and Lip smiled at her whilst James and Maddie got their homework out their bags.

A while later after finishing some of their homework - Maddie and Lip went upstairs into her bedroom while James and Penny went in to, they decided on watching a movie.

"Do you ever think about the future?" Penny asked randomly her eyes not leaving the TV, James looked at her with a puzzled look.

"Yeah, yeah I do." James said making her hum but doesn't say anything else. Penny takes a deep breath and gets up from her position looking at James.

Just when James is about to kiss her. Penny's name was called.

"Penny! It's time to go home" Lip said outside James' bedroom door making him sigh and glare at it making Penny let out a laugh.

"Come on, I best go before he breaks down that door."
Penny said scoffing knowing her brother.

"Pen" James said making her stop before opening the door. "Yes?" She asked in a small voice.

"You know you are my future right?" James said clarifying it. Penny laughed softly walking up to him, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"Yes, I know that." Penny said walking out leaving him in a state of shock.

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