Her lips were parting a little. The corner had a cut, too. Anyone would be sympathetic towards the girl. Seeing her situation. But, mental patients aren't called mental patients for no reason. And, the twins claimed to be suffering from a disease. The disease was obsession. They were obsessed with her. Not just any other obsession you see in dramas. It's a twisted obsession. It's entangled. This kind of obsession gets even more tangled when you try to get rid of it. Like a knot.

Yes, it's not like that the twins didn't feel the pity for her. They still have a little humanity in them, after all. For the second freaking time, do notice the sarcasm in the words little humanity.

So as expected, the little humanity didn't last long. Their eyes soon turned dark, staring at the piece of art that stood in front of them. At that moment, they wanted to do nothing but take her away and keep her in their grasp for as long as they can. But, if she dies anyway, they're gonna make a private museum filled with nothing but the very girl that stood on front of them.

To be honest, the rest of the people were disgusted especially Kim Seokjin. Because, the twins were drooling....

That's the chance uri Anne took. She shoved them and ran towards her father. To the twins' dismay, the others were surrounding them. Their little clumsiness got them in deep shit.

They had guns pointing at them from all sides. Jina was in her father's arms, hugging him tight. Chris wiped the little drops of tears from his face. He hugged his daughter tight as if she was the most fragile thing in the world while she hugged sniffling.

The twins were furious. They kept glaring at the others.

"It hurts to put a gun at you two, but we have to do it." Jin said.

"You have to understand that everything won't go in your own way. You have to accept somethings." Hope added.

And, some others said some other things. The twins stopped glaring. They looked down, faces holding genuine expressions. And eyes teary.

But you know what the psychiatrists say? They say, never believe a psycho no matter how pitiful they look. Sometimes, you can't even believe them when they act too well. Too well.

But apparently, the people surrounding the twins didn't know about this fact.

So when Jungkook sobbed and said, "I'm-I'm sorry, hyungie... I-I didn't know that it was hurting her... I'm sorry... I'll do anything to make it up..."

Jungkook was practically raised by BTS, their connection with the said boy is much deeper than they have with Jeongguk. But also, Jeongguk said, "I'm-I'm also sorry... Despite me being more mature than Jungkook, I still acted carelessly... I let my emotions get the best of me... I'm so sorry..."

As expected, their hearts melted. BP and Jiwoo were still aware of them, but the hyungs slacked off a little.

Chris was a little far from them and he was busy pampering his daughter with lost of love. Love makes people blind, deaf and whatever shit there is. It doesn't matter if the love is a parental one or a romantic one. Cause, if a house is caught on fire and a child is inside, screaming for help. His parents or loved ones will be desperate to save him, careless of how the fire is. Because they become deaf with their love for the child and they are unable to hear any voices that tell them that it's dangerous to go in the house.

Chris failed to hear anything from the twins or to know what was happening around him. And when his conscious came back, it was way too late.

The twins had already made all their hyungs and noonas lay down on the ground. Well, they aren't the second kings in the underworld for no reason. Of course, they are fucking trained. And, skilled. Don't ask how they took care of the girls. I'm not gonna answer.

Entangled (Twin's Version) | JJK FFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя