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And just like that there were demon like beings everywhere and there was a girl with a whip and arrows flying everywhere. There was so much going on I didn't know where to look I couldn't keep track of what was going on I didn't see the demon charging right at me until it was too late. I let a scream and threw my arms trying to protect my face it was only able to barely nick me with its fangs before I saw a sword and an arrow go through and it turn into ash.

"Are you okay?" Jace ran over and started looking me over. Pulling away I didn't want him to see that the demon had been able to nick me not wanting him to worry.

"I'm fine I promise" I told him not meeting his eyes. I was never a good liar but this man was a stranger he didn't know my tale signs that I was lying.

Our conversion was cut short due to yet another demon rushing at me but Jace easily grabbed him and shoved him onto the sword that my sister had picked up. After the demon had been turned to ash he joined the fight once again giving my sister enough time to grab my arm and run us out of there. We were almost to the door when we bumped into man with spikey hair and glitter eyeshadow that for some reason felt so familiar to me like I've met this man before.

Clary apologized but then continued to pull me away from everything as we made it outside we got into a cab and started to make our way home. Five minutes into the ride is when everything seemed to hit me at once. That's when the panic set in and I started crying everything that had just happened had been way too much. Clary had pulled me into her side and let me cry on her shoulder the entire way home.

When we finally made it back to the house Clary went to start telling our mother what we had just saw and I went to my room to change. The dress I was wearing gave me no comfort. Changing into a baby blue hoodie was a little too big on me and a pair of black spandex shorts and a matching pair of blue fluffy socks made me feel a lot better.

It was then I noticed the stinging pain in my arm rolling up my sleeve I saw that it was the nick the demon had left on me. It was very red and irritated and it seemed to start to make black veins around it. I wanted to go show my mother but as I made it in to the Livingroom with everyone else I saw my mother running around the house in a panic. Finally having enough of today I spoke up.

"Mom what the hell is going on!" She paused but only for a moment in surprise not ever hearing me speak to her like that but then continued on.

"You two cannot be around me right now. I made a very powerful man angry." She said

"What did you do?" Clary said panicky also not liking the way our mother was acting.

"I hid something from him and his followers." She said as if all of this made perfect sense.

"Followers? Mom why can't we just call the police." I was almost having a full on panic attack now.

"The policeman you need to call is Luke. Keep this with you and thank of me me when you wear it." She said handing Clary and necklace and me a bracelet with a matching purple stone.

"Now is not the time for birthday gifts. What the hell is happening?" I asked her again and yet again she completely ignored the question and continued on with the running around.

Then Dot who I don't even realize was in the room was handing my mother a vile of green liquid.

"Only if you need it." She said

"Trust your instincts. You both are more powerful than you know." She said making us even more confused.

Me and Clary both looked at eachother both of us wearing matching confused looks only I had tears rolling down my face and clary looked like was just trying to keep her self together.

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