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   We were all standing around while Clary was naming some of the places that Dot loved. I stayed quiet while though I loved Dot, I didn't know her as well as my sister. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my sister gasp, saying she knew where Dot was.

  "Great! I'll drive." Simon looked around us waving his keys. "You know unless you guys have a shadow-mobile or something."

  I couldn't stop the giggle that bubbled up into my throat at the look they all gave him. When everyone was ready to leave we made our way to  the ugly beat up van. That's when I realized a problem, There was not enough room. Well there would be if my sister would have let one of the boys sit upfront but of course she didn't.

"You can sit on my lap, if you want." To my surprise it was Alec who spoke. Seeing I didn't have many options here I agreed. We loaded up and we were on the way to the club from a few nights ago. I sat stiffly on his lap afraid I might be to heavy and I didn't want him to be uncomfortable.

  Him noticing leaned up and whispered into my ear. "Relax." My body having a mind of its own immediately relaxed against him. Even going as far as laying my head back against his shoulder. He brought his arms around my waist and hugged me to him. I don't know if it was his warmth and that he made me feel safe or just pure exhausted but it didn't take long for me to cuddle further into him pulling my legs to Jace's lap. And I was out.

  It was sometime later that I was shook awake. Stretching I looked around and noticed that it was just me and Alec left.

  "Where is everybody?"

  "They already went inside. I told them I'd stay back to wake you up." I couldn't think of why he was being so nice to me. All he's been was hostile to Clary and Simon but he didn't seem that bothered that I was there, the opposite really.

  "Sorry you had to wait on me." He probably didn't wanna be stuck with me. I was starting to feel like a burden to them all.

  "Hey you never have to apologize to me I've been wanting to spend some time with you anyways, we haven't been able to talk since you woke up. How are you anyway with everything that's going on it can't be easy." All I could do was stare at him, He was the only one to ask me how I was feeling.

  "Umm.... well, my entire life just got turned upside down. My sister hates me. My mother has been taken. The only father figure I've ever known doesn't care if I lived or died and my sister is trying to get us all killed. I guess I have to say it's been eventful.." I quickly shut my mouth, realizing that I was rambling. One of many nervous habits.

  "I know you don't really know me but I'll always be here for you if you need to talk or you just want some company."

  "Thank you"

  "No problem, let's join the others before your sister causes any more problems."

  I nodded and trailed out of the van behind him. He grabbed my hand and pulled us into the club with everyone else.

  "Well, sleeping beauty did have a good nap?" My sister smeared at me as she saw me walk in

"Umm.... I guess, what's going on."

  "What's going on is that why you were taking a nap? We were too late the circle has Dot. I hope your nap was worth it." How could any of that be related?

  "Clary what do you think I could've done to change that."

  "I don't know but everything that bad happens is always your fault you're probably the reason Mom got taken."

  "How dare you put all this on your sister? She's going through the same thing you are, and it doesn't help that you're not even trying to go through this with her.." Isabelle said taking my side. I almost wanted to cry because, no one ever did, They always choose Clary.

"Talk to her like that again little girl and you will see my bad side and trust me you don't want to see that." Alec threatened.

  "Why are you all taking up for her? What's so special about her, at least I'm trying to do something to find my mother while all she's doing is throwing herself you all. Now can we get back on topic now that Dot is gone how do we get our memories back?" 

  Wrapping my arms around myself, I stood back away from everyone else not wanting to piss my sister off anymore than I already have and to give Jace and Alec some space. Realizing that maybe I have been throwing myself at them and they feel bad for me. That's why they're showing me so much attention.

Alec looked back at me with concern Jace looked at me worried, and Isabel looked at me with sympathy. I didn't like those looks on them. I didn't want their pity and I definitely didn't want my sister blaming me for everything. I needed air the room started to feel crowded, and it was hard to breathe. Their attention now on Clary I slowly made my way out the door to go wait in the van.

  Making it to the van I grabbed the book and blanket I always kept inside Simon's van for when Mom made me go with Simon and Clary. I made my way onto the roof of the van, cuddling into the blanket, opening the book. Deciding I needed a few peaceful moments before being dragged somewhere else.

  I was able to get a few chapters in before I heard the sound of heels clicking onto the pavement. I looked up surprised to see Isabelle . She looked around for a moment before she noticed me and out of breath of relief.

  "Elizabeth I don't know what you were thinking, but the next time you runoff please tell somebody Jace and Alec we're about to lose their minds when they saw you weren't there."  She said climbing up to sit beside me.

  "Why would they care? Like my sister said I'm just throwing myself at them. They probably just feel bad for me, that's why they are being to nice." I began messing with the pages of my book another one of my nervous habits.

  Isabelle laughed at that. "You are so wrong. They do care about you, hell I've never seen them look at anyone the way they look at you."

  "But why, I'm just a girl that was shoved into their lives and now I'm causing you all problems just because my mother was taken."

  "Hunny, you're not the one causing the problems. And soon you'll learn why they care for so much." That made me feel a bit better knowing I wasn't causing them problems.

  "I wish you were my sister." I told her

  She sent me a smile and pulled me into a side hug. Our moment didn't last long, everyone else's began to make there way back to the van. Alec came to a stop right below me.

  "Come on little red, I'll catch you." Putting his arms out. Isabelle gave me a sideways look and a wink before jumping down herself. Grabbing the books and blanket, I jumped.

  He caught me but didn't let go right away. "Don't you ever runaway like that again. Not without one of us with you. Okay? We can't loose you little red." The new nickname made a blush appear, well that and the way he's holding me to him.

  I looked away ashamed nodded and him showing I understood but he wasn't having that. He grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. "Use your words."

  "I promise I won't run off by myself again." I told him with a dazed look on my face. No one had ever talked to me like that before. I think I liked it.

  He seemed satisfied with my response and let go of my chin and kissed my forehead. Loading back into the van me sitting on Jace lap this time. This earned me a glare from Clary, getting tired of her and her attitude I made a show of cuddling up with Jace sending her a look that told her that he was mine.

  It helped that Jace wrapped his arms around me and a rested him head on mine. She looked furious at this point. Her face was almost as red as her hair. It took everything in me not to laugh.

  "So, where are we headed now?" I asked having missed the conversation earlier.

  "The city of bones."

  Well doesn't sound like a creepy place at all. That sinking feeling in my gut from earlier was slowly coming back. I don't know how I knew but I did. Something bad was going to happen and soon.

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