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Before you read this chapter I would like to warn you there will be mention of abuse but it all goes toward the devilment of my OC. With that said please enjoy this chapter.

The first thing I noticed was a coldness seeping into my skin, Then it was the pain in my head. Slowly opening my eyes I was in a cell like room the only source of light coming through the small bars on the door.

I pulled myself up slowly using the wall to support me. Making my way to the door, I had to get up on my tiptoes just to be able to see out of it. I couldn't see anything but I could faintly hear Simon yelling a few doors down.

Simons yells were suddenly cut off, Moments later I saw him being pulled down the hall by the same man that was holding me on the bridge.

"Hey! Hey, where are you taking him?" Clary would kill me if he got hurt.

"Don't worry, Angel, I'll come be back to play with you." The man said getting close to the bars.

I didn't know what was to come but I did know I had to get Simon out no matter what. I might not have liked him but, he was all my sister had left. I wouldn't let her loose someone else she loved. So, accepting my fate I moved to sit against the wall facing the door waiting for what's to come.

I didn't know how long I was in this room. But the sound of heels echoed down the hall getting closer to my door. The door was slammed open so hard I was surprised it didn't break. A beautiful woman made her way in with a smile, but it was anything but nice. It was smile of a predator and I was the prey.

"I've just been made aware that Joselyn had twins. You being one so, you must know where the cup Is. If you tell me I'll let you go, If you don't... Well let just say you don't want to know."

"I don't know where the cup is, Neither does my sister. So this is just pointless just let us go." I told her pulling myself to stand.

"There are other ways I can get you to talk little girl and they wont be pleasant so, just stop lying and tell me where the cup is." She was snarling at this point.

"I already told you I don't know."

"Fine then. Angel blood has always been my favorite. It's so much sweeter. So...Pure." She began to make slow steps to me like she was hunting me but I was already backed into a corner. Her movements became a blur then I was being tossed into the wall on the other side of the room. My head banged against the wall with such force I didn't know how I was still awake.

"Tell me where it is!" She was screaming now. But couldn't focus on her or anything. Groaning I pulled myself to my feet again, I couldn't let her see me as weak.

"I don't know but even if I did I wouldn't tell you." It didn't come out as strong as I was hoping and the words were slurring but I knew she heard me. Not even a second later she had me against the wall by my throat, my feet inches of the ground.

I was gripping her arm, hitting, scratching, anything to try to regain my breath, but she just laughed at my struggle. Fangs out now she didn't hesitate to sink the in my neck. Excruciating pain was I felt, she pulled away shorty after, dropping me to the ground like I was garbage.

I couldn't hold back the tears now letting the fall freely and the sobs make their way out of my mouth putting my hand to my throat I attempted to stop the bleeding.

"Oh, were just getting started. My vamps are very hungry wont you feed them for me." Lookin up at her I noticed there were five more vampires behind her. I scrambled to get away, I knew it was pointless but I had to try.

I screamed when one grabbed my leg pulling me back not hesitating to bite into me. The other's joined right after. I screamed and screamed but they didn't stop. They never stayed in one spot long before biting into another part of me. My vision began to get hazy, I couldn't scream any longer or move. I just knew they were going to kill me.

"Camille, you need to leave now. They're here they cant fine you here. You guys need to stop they'll kill us all if she dies." The man from before began to rip the vampire's off me and toss them away.

Camille didn't hesitate to run out of room. I still had tears running down my face when the man leaned down to help me up. I flinched when he touched me, but that was all I could do, I didn't have the strength to try and get away from him.

"I know you wont believe me but this was never the plan. You were not meant to be hurt." He was right I didn't believe him. I didn't say anything, just let him drag me out of the room. The sound of fighting getting closer with each step we took.

Before we made ourselves known the man pulled out a knife and held it to my throat.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. Then continued to drag me into the room, My eyes immediately made contact with Jace and Alec. Relief flooded through me and I sagged more against the man holding a knife to my neck, I didn't look at them long not wanting to see the looks my mates were sending me.

I wasn't really sure what happened next but I do remember getting dragged again then thrown into someone's arms and hearing someone yelling for us to go. Making it up the last few steps then sunlight hit me.

Taking the last step I through my self into the light falling to my knees. I rolled over so i was laying on my back, my face turned up to the sun letting the tears flow freely down my face. Someone dropped in front of me pulling me into them. I felt someone also knelt behind me also hugging me. I noticed the slight shaking coming from my mates. moving my head so I could see them. They were crying.

"I'm sorry I left you, I shouldn't have left you." Alec Apologized

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." Jace said.

I couldn't speak, I didn't know what to tell them so I just moved so I could pull them both into a hug. so we sat there holding each other just crying.

"If you guys are done can we go get back I'm exhausted." My sister said.

Looking up at her she was just picking at her nails. Here I sat covered in my own blood and was complaining about being tired.

"You can't be serious." I asked her

"Well yeah I am. I've had a long night, so are you done being dramatic so we can leave."

"You've had a long night? You?! I have almost died twice now. And do you know what it feels like to be thrown around like your nothing, then have six Vampires sink their fangs into again and again, to the point i had wished they would hurry up and drain me, so that the pain will be gone. What? No. Thought so. So you can go to Hell Clary" I screamed at her ,no longer being able to handle her walking all over me. No longer.

"How dare you say that to me, you bitch. They should have drained you for everything you are."

"Clary, Shut the fuck up." Jace told her in a dangerously low voice, Coming to stand at my side. Alec came and stood at my other side.

"Why are you taking her side?" Clary whined

The boys response was to grab both my blood covered arms and turn them so that she could see their marks.

"Because this means she's ours, Clary and you have acted like a spoiled little girl ever since I met you and frankly I'm getting really sick of it." Alec told her.

My sister just huffed grabbing Simons arm pulling him away. Being around them was calming me but that meant the adrenaline was felling now fading. I could feel how weak I really was, I could feel the pain of every bite mark on my body.

"So I'm yours huh?" I joke with them feeling myself fading. I think I just need a quick nap. I felt myself being caught and I was finally able to sleep in peace.

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