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We were all sitting on the roof of Simon van just talking about anything and everything. I was forced to be involved in the conversion because Clary stole my book saying that it was our birthday I needed to 'have fun'.

''Our mom has been so overprotective lately.'' Clary spoke up after a while. I nodded along because she really has been lately just like earlier when she didn't want us to leave the house and usually she is shoving me out the door.

''So, do you remember in Aliens, when the alien queen was defending her eggs from Ripley?'' Simon asked

''In this scenario, is our mom Ripley or the Alien queen?'' I asked seeing as whenever they had movie night I had come with at my mothers request. So, I was familiar with the movie, Clary and Simon had a real obsession with Si-fi.

Simon looked shocked seeing as I was the one to answer probably thinking I never paid attention during movie night but proceed with the conversion.


  Maureen being confused said ''What?" I guess never had seen the movie.

  "A mother defending her young." Simon said making me giggle.

  "Defending us from what? I spend all day in an art studio, Livvy never leaves the house. Our lives couldn't be more mundane. Besides we really don't know what she was like when she was young" Clary said.

  Maureen spoke up this time saying that we should get all the dirt from out relatives.

  "Well we could if we had any and our dad died before we were born." Clary said with a hint of a attitude in her voice. I could tell she was getting tired of Maureen's questions.

  "So no Aunts, Uncles, Cousins twice removed?" she asked next.

  "Nope just us and mom." I said seeing as it looked like clary was about to snap. My sister has always been impulsive and had a short fuse. I was the level headed one in the family.

  Clary sent me a thankful look as Simon spoke I guess finally noticing the tension.

"That's why the Lewis clan has added Four chairs to every Seder since pre-school." He paused for a moment while me and clary nod along " for Clary, Livvy, Jocelyn , and   for Elijah."

  "Of course." Clary said

  "Obviously" I said nodding along.

  "So you guys don't think its a little suspicious? You not knowing anything about your family? Your mom could be hiding some deep dark secret."

  "Maureen, its not possible" I told her.

"No really think about ." Maureen continued to push. She really didn't know when to stop. Clary let out a huff you could tell she was done with the conversation.

"No, seriously. Our mother is incapable of concealing anything from us." she said and that's was the end of the conversion.

After the show they decided to thankfully rename the band and while clary painted she finally gave me my book back so here I was back on top of the van. I was sitting there peacefully for awhile until wrist started to burn and when I just couldn't take it anymore, pulling up my sleave to look at it and there sat beautiful J tattoo. I was so confused and tried to rub it off but it only caused me pain. Then that's when I heard his voice it was deep but not to deep it sounded soothing.

I looked over the side of the van and saw my sister talking to a blond guy covered in tattoos and dressed in all black. If i could describe him in one word it would be perfect. As I was leaning forward trying to get a better look I didn't notice my book slipping off my lap until it was too late, as it hit the ground his head shot up to look at me and it was as if the world faded away and it just me and him.

This continued for probably longer than it should before my sister saw that he was no longer paying attention to her and snapped her fingers in front of him and knocking us out of our little staring contest.

"Jace come on!" I heard someone yell and saw the blond 'Jace' looking in the diction the voice yell but looked back at me and gave a small smile and a wink before taking of in the direction of the club. 

It was like was in a trance I couldn't look away from him until Clary tapped my leg indicating for me to get down. As soon as my feet touched the ground she grabbed my hand and started dragging me toward the club. I could here Simon yelling in the background about our fake ID's sucking.

As we got closer toward the entrance I stopped moving and dug my feet into the ground and Clary stopped and gave me a questionly look.

"Clary you know I don't like crowds and loud music." I reminded her I usually have panic attacks when I'm around too much noise and people that's why I stayed at home most of the time and she knew that.

She rolled her eyes and me and said "Get over it you'll be fine." and continued to pull me along with her. I tired to pull my arm back again but obviously she was stronger than me so I just stopped fighting and tried to stay as close to her as I could.

Pushing past everyone Clary continued her look for Jace while I was trying to control the panic that's was building in my chest. Finally catching up seeing him walk through a VIP section Clary grabbed some random dudes arm and started flirtng with him as they walked through, me following close behind so I didn't get sucked back into the crowd.

  Walking into the room my other wrist started to do the same burning thing Again this time I was less shocked to see the beautiful A on my left wrist but still didn't know what they meant. Looking up from my arm I see Jace behind a beautiful woman whispering something into her ear for some reason the sight of that made me want to cry and my eyes had started watering so I didn't see the glowing sword in his hand until Clary yelled for her to watch out and push the girl out of the way. 

  "Watch out!" Jace yelled and pushed my sister away. She slid across the floor that's when I was knocked out of my little trance and went over to help her off of the floor. When I looked back up at the scene in front of me the girl no longer looked beautiful. Her face had split open and had tentacles with sharp fangs, with what I was guessing venom dripping from them.

  I made eye contact with Jace and a surprised look made it onto his face before it morphed into a slightly scared one almost as if he was scared I was there. Something in the back of my head was telling me to look behind Jace and when I did I was a tall dark haired man who had the most beautiful brown eyes. And just like before my entire world froze he looked shocked then he had the same scared look Jace did. He looked like he was about to take a step forward but then all hell broke loose.

  So what do you guys think. Do I need to make the chapters longer? I hope yall are enjoying the book so far

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