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A shift in the bed stirred me awake, the room was still dark and I couldn't see who it was but I just knew it was Alec. I tried to sit up but Jace's arm around my waist didn't allow me to move an inch.

"Alec?" I whispered sleepily.

"Hey baby girl, I didn't mean to wake you." He grabbed my arm, the one that held his mark, and began to rub his thumb over it. I could see how stressed he his and how tired.

"Lay down?" I asked and scooted over trying to make him room.

He stood and began to shrug off his jacket before reaching down to do the same with his belt, which should now have been a turn on, and kicked his shoes off before laying down next to me. He put his arm just above where Jace's was and tucked my head into his chest.

"Are you okay?" I mumbled just load enough for him to hear me.

"It'll be fine, little red now get some sleep." His words didn't settle me but the exhaustion mixed with the warmth of my mates had me dozing off before I could continue to question him.

"Rise and shine, sleepy heads." Magnus said with a sing song voice using his magic to open up the blinds making all three of us groan. "Oh, what I wouldn't give to be in the middle of that hunk sandwich, Elizabeth I think I'm jealous of you." he sighed out

Realizing I'm mushed in-between my mates our limbs tangled made me blush and shove my head underneath cover as if it would hide me. The action caused all three of the men tp laugh.

"We'll be out in just a minute Magnus." Alec voice was still deep with sleep and the though of him whispering dirty things in to my ear made me squeaked and turn so I could shove my face into Jace's chest instead. Which also turned out to be a bad idea when my hands touched the hard muscles of is stomach.

"Stop hiding Angel, now get up your sister wants to talk to everyone. There are clothes in the bathroom." And with that Magnus strolled out of the room.

Peaking my head out from under the blanket I made eye contact with Jace and memories from last night surfaced making me turn an even darker shade of red. I quickly shoved the blankets off and climbed over Alec in a rush and ran into the bathroom. Their chuckles followed me as I slammed the door.

Shaking all thought from my head I splashed my face with cold water in an attempt to cool down, but it was pointless because when I saw them again it would be back. It all ways did. Quickley I got dressed and faintly wondered how he knew my size but the man had magic powers so I decided not to question it.

 Quickley I got dressed and faintly wondered how he knew my size but the man had magic powers so I decided not to question it

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   It showed off my stomach that was covered with runes that Jace had drawn. Pulling my hair up into a braided style I grabbed the leather jacket deciding not to put it on for now and made myself into the living room with everyone else.

Everyone was spread across the room but Jace and Alec had claimed a love seat that would be just big enough for the three of us. Seeing a cup that had my favorite café in Simon's hand I beelined to him.

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