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After the very heated moment that just occurred in Alec's bedroom. We went our separate ways. He went to train with my sister while I opted to stay back. So, after changing into some comfortable clothes which consisted of a pair of legging and one of Alec's hoodies I made my way to the library.

I didn't know a lot about my new world I figured it was time to study. After a quick stop by the kitchen to grab some water and a snack I made it to the library.

I opened the door and I couldn't help but be excited. Books were everywhere. They lined every wall and went all the way up to the high ceiling. I didn't know where to begin. But luckily, Hodge was also there.

"Hey, it's Elizabeth right?" He asked

"Hi, yeah we have been properly introduced yet."

"Well it's nice to finally properly meet you. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Well, yeah yeah I'm just trying to read up on some things. Get a better handle on what's going on. Pretty sure the boys are tired of me asking questions all the time." I joked. He laughed and said he understood and went and brought me a book called the Shadowhunters Codex.

"That should explain a good bit of it. But hey, if you have any more questions just come and find me. I'll be happy to help."

He left shortly after and I found a comfy seat. Looking through the table of contents I found one talking about the Angle Raziel. My Father. I turned to it and beagan to read.

'Shortly after 1000 AD, the Angel Raziel was called upon by a mortal named Jonathan. Desperate to help save mankind (including himself and his companions: his sister Abigail and his friend David) from the scourge of demons traveling past the world's wards in an event referred to as the Incursion, Jonathan prayed for Raziel to save humanity, begged him to mix his blood with the blood of mortals in a Cup and create a race of warriors who would rid the world of demonkind. Raziel rose from Lake Lyn and, upon seeing that Jonathan's wish and vision for his world was pure and true, Raziel granted his prayer but told him that he would not involve himself with them any further.[2] He gave Jonathan the Mortal Instruments and mixed his blood with Jonathan's blood in the Mortal Cup to use for the creation of a new race of demon-fighters.'

Raziel had Jonathan to drink from the Cup and, upon doing so, Jonathan became the first of the Nephilim. Through this ritual, all Nephilim have a bit of Raziel's blood running through their veins. Raziel gave Jonathan the fitting name "Shadowhunter" as a symbol of his transformation and allowed him to use the Mortal Cup to create more Nephilim, all of whom, with the help of the Mortal Instruments, would be dedicated to the eradication of demons on Earth. Raziel also gave him the book of the Covenant, in which he inscribed Marks for their kind to use.'

Well I guess he's not the worst person to call a father. No the worst would be Valentine. But I was still confused he said he needed a warrior. I never learned how to fight but when the circle members attacked I didn't hesitate to fight. Like i was already hardwired to know how. That must me about of my gift. The next topic I searched for was about the heavenly fire.

The heavenly metal adamas is one substance infused with generic heavenly fire,[1] and it is this fire that powers seraph blades. The power of the heavenly fire in seraph blades becomes even greater when the spirit of the angel's name is called, imbuing the blade with the power of the angel and causing the blades to glow from within. Steles, also made of adamas, also contain heavenly fire; as such, runes drawn with steles, though harmless on Shadowhunters' skin, save for a slight stinging sensation, cannot be withstood by normal paper or the skin of any other being.

Weapons of Heaven, one of them being the sword known as Glorious, also carry heavenly fire within them. Using the weapon on a person will imbue them with heavenly fire as well, which ultimately burns any form of evil found in him/her; if the person is more evil than good, then it will also burn the life from him/her.

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