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    I stopped just before entering the room and pulled my hair over my shoulders to cover my neck. taking a deep breath, I walked in, not making eye contact with anyone.
I pulled myself up to sit on the edge of the table with my head still down. Izzy pulled herself up beside me as we waited on Alec. Everyone else already there and waiting.
I looked up as Alec walked in, I zeroed in on his neck. The hickey there stood out against his skin. I looked over to Jace for the first time since entering the room, He was already looking at me the hickey on his neck on full view for everyone to see.
A blush lit up on my face and I looked back down suddenly finding the pattern of my dress interesting. Alec took a seat at the table by my legs and Jace stood at my other side. But thankfully before either of them could open their mouths Hodge walked in.
I haven't been able to officially meet Hodge yet. So imagine my surprise when I saw the circle rune on his neck. Though I didn't say anything I didn't like the way this man looked at me like he was waiting for something. He finally looked away thankfully and began to brief us on Magnus Bane.
"Magnus Bane, he's over 300 years old, and as you can see, he's not exactly shied away from the pleasures of every century" he explained. "His tastes are both exquisite and quite excessive."

  "He looks like the downworlds David Guetta." My sister spoke up.
I tilted my head and looked at Magnus pictures that were on the screen. Yeah I could kind of see it.

  "Guetta's is already a Downworlder." Izzy said. "Vampire? Ever see him in the daylight." Good point.

   "Can you two focus? This is not a joke" Alec sounded aggravated as he said this.

   "Someone needs to get slayed." Izzy said bumping her shoulder into mine making my face turn red again.

   "Maybe I could be if someone learned to knock in this place." He said shocking me.

   Jace was nodding his head like he was agreeing with Alec until he saw the look I was giving him and stopped. These men were going to be the death of me. But they also weren't wrong, first Clary and then Issabelle it's like we couldn't get two seconds to ourselves.

   Hodge cleared his throat. "Moving on. Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known he has a deep mistrust of Shadowhunter's."

   "Well, then, why did he help our mom remove our memories" I spoke up for the first time, Hodge looked at me shocked most likely he didn't think I'd be the one to speak up, but then answered

    "Help might not be the most accurate word now did Magnus provide a service for Jocelyn? Perhaps. But more than likely, your mother paid Magnus handsomely for his magic."

   "Warlocks usually require payment for their services." Jace further explained.
   "Word from the clave is that most warlocks have gone into hiding since Valentine started hunting them." Alec said.
   I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Valentine was my father. I couldn't believe our mother would be with someone like that when Jace told me earlier about everything they learned at the city of bones I was shocked.

   "Valentine must be searching for a warlock ,where did Jocelyn..." he trailed off as his rune began to burn him.
  "Hodge, your rune. Are you okay?" My sister spoke with actual concern.

  "So how do we find Magnus?" I asked trying to move the conversation along.

  "We don't. Magnus finds us." Jace said then continued to explain. "We'll set up a meeting somewhere, protected. Lure him out of hiding."

   "And I know exactly where to do it." Izzy mentioned excitedly and got off the table and grabbed the tablet out of his hand and pulled up a flyer for a downworlder party.

  "A Downworld rave. Nice Izzy."

  "And where'd you get that?"

  Was the reply from the boys. Their two different reactions made me giggle. Which made them look at me and gave me a smile of their own.
  "During my surveillance of the downworlders." She explained. "From what I hear Magnus likes to party."

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