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  "What's going on? Why is there a mundane in the institute?" Alec asked coming to a stop beside Jace.

   "A circle member followed him to get to the girls." His hold on me tightening as he spoke. Alec rushed to me grabbing my face and looking over me as if to make sure I wasn't hurt. Jace chuckled at his parabatai act this way toward anyone other than family, it was a good sign.

  "Have some faith in me brother, You know I wouldn't let anything happen to Tiny here." Hearing the new nickname come out of Jace's mouth made me blush yet again. I was coming to a conclusion that whenever these two boys the reason my face stayed bright red, making me bring my hands to my face in an attempt to hide it.

  The boys just chuckled at my reaction. The little moment was stopped by my sister clearing her throat.

  "If you guys are done how about we get back to finding my mother. You do remember that right Elizabeth, that our mother was taken." She glared at me.

  I bowed my head slightly the smile had on my face disappearing immediately. I moved myself away from the boys pulling my arms up to hug myself, I focused my attention to my boots so I didn't see the glares that Jace and Alec were sending my sisters way.

"What exactly is a circle member and why are they trying to kill us?" I sent Simon a tiny smile, grateful to him for changing the subject.

  "All we know, is that a long time ago the circle led a revolt. A lot of Shadowhunter's were killed, including my father." I looked up at that trying to show Jace I was sorry with my eyes not wanting to get closer to him to avoid my sisters wrath.

"And since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about the circle" Alec clearly didn't like that the subject was being brought up.

  "How is that even possible? Its your history."

  "Says the girl who didn't even know she was a Shadowhunter?" Jace had a slight attitude as he said this, it was becoming oblivious to everyone but Clary that she was starting to annoy him.

  "Yeah, you're right. And now the only person who knows the truth is missing, So I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden, There's gotta be someone who can tell us why they've taken my mother."

  "Clary, I want to get mom back just as much as you but the rules that they have set are there for a reason. You cant just ask them to throw all that away just to help us." I was starting to get tired of how she trying to come into peoples lives and control everything.

  "Well at least I'm trying to get mom back, All your doing is acting like a whore and throwing your desperate ass to the nearest guy so butt out so I can get my mother back." She yelled

  "She's my mother to Clary, and I want to get her back just as much as you. Just because you can just go through all of this and not feel anything doesn't mean I can. I was bitten by a Demon twice and almost died and the same people that are after you are after me to so, don't act like your so much better than me."

  With that being said I walked away ignoring when they called and tried to get me to come back. I couldn't be near Clary anymore right now. Right now I needed a shower and a book.

I continued to walk around trying to spot a familiar face when I saw Isabelle. Running up to catch up to her.

"Hey Izzy, Right?"

  "Yeah, Is everything alright?"

  "Kinda, I was just wondering if I could get another set of clothes and a shower?" I asked hopefully.

  "Yeah, No problem you can use my bathroom. Follow me."

  We began to make our down the hall in silence until she broke it.

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