Twenty- Four

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    "Come on, this way." Clary said taking the lead. Rolling my eyes I followed her, not wanting to argue, not with us being surrounded.

  Running down a small flight of stairs we came to a service entrance door, but guess what. Ding, ding, ding, it was locked. We were just have amazing luck.

  "What's the unlock rune again." Clary asked waving her stele in the air. Before I could pull out my stele myself Jace had already brought his leg up and kicked it open.

  "Open sesame." I chuckled at him before going to following him in but stopped when Alec drew his bow.

  "What do you think your doing?" Jace asked walking up to him, I took my place beside him.

  "I'm holding them off, get the girls back to the institute."

  "Funny. No, I'm staying with you." I laughed out drawing my daggers that were strapped to my thighs.

  "Elizabeth's right, were not leaving you."

  "Don't be stupid, if the demons get the cup, were dead anyways."

  "Were not leaving you behind." Jace told him.

  "And your the stupid one, if you really think I'm about to leave you hear to fight without me." I paused and took a breath, looking back into his eyes. "I'm not leaving my mate to fight on his own against a bunch of demons. Jace can get Clary back to the institute."

  "Yeah, No, that's not happening." Jace tried to argue  with me but I stopped him.

  "I can take care of myself Jace." Just to prove my point I let my power show, letting my fire surround my blades. Jace was still close enough to feel the heat from them.

  "I know you guys are having a moment or whatever but we need to go, like now." Clary's annoying voice broke through our argument. 

  Looking back at me, he nodded once before dropping a quick kiss on my lips and giving Alec a bro hug.

  "You watch each others back and you both come back to me alright."

  "Yes, go now. We'll see you back ay home."

  With one last look at us, the others took off. Alec and I shared a look before getting in our fighting stance and braced ourselves for the fight to come. With a quick prayer to my father I brought my blades up and waited for them to come.

  "When we get back, your in so much trouble." Alec said to me.

  "I'll gladly accept any punishment from you." I sent him a wink right before the first demon reached us.

  Letting my instincts take over my body moved like it had been prepared for this for years when in reality I had no training, must be another gift from my father. Alec and I fought perfectly together he got the demons in the back while I got the ones who got past him.

  We had both began to tire when the wolves made their appearance. While distracted by them a few demons had made their way through, without thinking I ran to get them before they could get to the others, I hoped they had already made it out.

  Running down the hallway, I came to a stop in the middle of a room. What had made me stop was that Jace was just standing there. Something was off though, This didn't seem like my Jace.

  "Elizabeth, thank the Angel, I lost your sister in the tunnels. Help me find her please." His eyes held no emotion, even as he smiled, he brought his hand out for me to grab.

  That was his mistake, there on his wrist there was no mate mark. I was right this was not my Jace it was a shapeshifter.   

  "Working for Valentine must come with some great healthcare for him to have so many of you working for him."                       

  "Elizabeth, What are you taking about? It's Jace, you know me." He tried to plead but his cover had been blown.

  "You need to pay better attention the details." Was the last thing I told the demon before throwing the flaming dagger into its chest. My heart hurt as I retrieved my dagger, even though I knew it wasn't him but to have to kill something that wore his face.

  Wiping the dust off the blade I turned around to see multiple Jace and Alec's standing there looking at me with some much hate that it made me freeze. With the distraction it gave them the opportunity to have one sneak behind me, it's mouth separated into fangs and sunk them into my neck.

  I jerked as the venom began making its way through me, making my vision blurry. Holding my bleeding neck, fear coursed through my body as I stared into the demons eyes. The same eyes as my mate. MY body became weak as the demon venom spread making my knees give out.

  I thought all they'd do would take me down but they seemed to have other thoughts as they begun to ascend onto me. I guess Valentine just wanted Clary alive, some how that though made me go numb as I watched the demons who wore the face's of the people who I loved. I watched as they bit into me as they clawed at me, but I felt nothing.

  I was weakening fast, but I couldn't find it in me to care. All I've done since I was born was be bullied and hated. Been pushed into the shadows, never been given the chance to shine. I could never be the perfect Clary. But, then I met them. Jace, Alec, And Izzy. They cared about me, They wanted me around, They didn't let Clary bully me. They wanted me to shine, to live a life where im not a background character.

  If they saw me laying on the ground giving up without a fight, They'd be so disappointed in me. And my father, the real one, he blessed me for a reason. He made me for a reason, to be his warrior, his fighter, his weapon. The new found determination flowed threw me, even with my weakened state I summoned that power I was blessed with, my heavenly Fire.

Without the focus to channel that magic I had no way to control where it burned so I did the only thing I could, I let it free. Like a bomb the fire erupted from me, the beast didn't even have a chance to scream as the fire burned them into nothing, no ash left behind.

  With no more demons for the demons to burn it rushed back to me, but the only thing was I felt the burn. It didn't take long to realize it was healing me. I was frozen as my magic lifted me off the ground and my wings popped from my back, with them my strength returned.

  I landed softly on my feet, looking back I saw the amazing wings that were there and just like before they were perfect. Hearing a soft gasp from behind me I turned around as saw Alec standing there, but before he could comprehend I was in front of him with a knife to his throat as tears weld up in my eyes.

  "Choose another form!" I yelled at him. "Do you enjoy the torment huh?" I was breaking down showing weakness but I couldn't bring myself to care.

  "Babygirl, drop the knife." He whispered his hands up in surrender. Looking down at a mark that caught my attention, there on his wrist sat the mate mark. My knees gave out and my wings flickered out as I dropped in front of him.

  "Hey, hey, hey. I got you. I'm here." He pulled me into his chest as I cried into him.

  "They looked like you." I wept. "They had so much hatred, so much. And they wanted to kill me, there were so many of them."

  "They're gone now, okay. You killed them, you did. And your so strong okay. And we would never do that, We love you so much okay." He grabbed my face in his hands and made me looking in his eyes as he said every word. "Do you understand?"

  I nodded but with I stern grip onto my chin I corrected myself. "Yes, I understand."

  "Good girl, Now lets go home."

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