41: Śmierć

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"Oh Thanatos, you always were too gentle with them." Śmierć said softly, her pale face with white eyes staring at me.

Śmierć was one of the reapers, with long white hair draping over her shoulders and a robe that was as bright as snow.

She sat in a purple chair, everything was purple here, either purple or a pale yellow. Tall towers decorated the landscape on top of giant floating islands above an inky black void.

We nicknamed it 'The End' as it was the final destination, the birthplace of Death herself. This where we were molded, and this will forever be our home.

It was cold, nothing like the warm atmosphere at Techno's cabin, yet it didn't have the frost of the tundra, a neutral temperature that every so often would send shivers down my spine.

"We all made sacrifices to be here, do you ever think it wasn't worth it?" I asked, looking down at the ground.

Śmierć reached out with her hand and lifted my chin to look at her before responding, "We are doing a necessary job, without us the universe would collapse, it will always be worth it."

I stared into her blank eyes, eyes that would never see colours, never see anything, ever again.

"I feel you staring." Śmierć smiled, "What is it?"

"How do you do that?" I asked, "How can you see without having eyes?"

She chuckled slightly, a coy laugh, "I have eyes sweetie, they just don't work as they're supposed to."

I looked down at the floor again in shame as she faced away from me. She turned back to me as I lifted my gaze, "But to answer your question, I don't see as you do, it's like.. a sixth sense, it's hard to explain, but I know where things are, I can feel it."

She fell silent and her gaze dropped, leaving us in an awkward silence.

Śmierć straighter back up, "That's enough about me dear, Kristen has been giddy ever since her last meeting, what did you do?"

I raised my hands in defense, "Hey now, why do you blame me?"

She smiled and chuckled a little bit, "I haven't seen you in months Thanatos! And now you just showed up out of the blue being all depressed!"

I scratched the back of my neck and smiled guiltily, "Yeah I'm sorry about that.. I've been distracted."

"Well that's obvious." Śmierć commented under her breath, although just loud enough for me to hear, "Now tell me, what have you gotten up to?"

"Oh y'know," I started, "Reaping souls, interacting with mortals, the usual."

Śmierć stared at me, mouth wide open, shocked. We stood like that for a moment, before she summoned her spear and hit me in the head with it, standing up and screaming, "What the hell have you gotten yourself into?! You're going to be in so much trouble! I have to tell Kristen right now!"

She stood up quickly and ran over to the door. I chased her and grabbed her sleeve with a smile on my face, my other hand rubbing the bump on my head, "Listen to me-"

She interrupted me before I could continue, "No! This is the first rule of reaping! No talking to mortals! You're going to be stripped of all your powers and thrown in the void!"

"They love me too much to do that." I laughed, before grabbing her by the shoulders as she tried to escape my grip, "They already know, they agreed to it."

She stopped dead, her mouth agape as she processed what I had said. I took my hands off of her and backed up, waiting for a response.


I scrambled away from Śmierć, a look of pure fury on her face as she kept hitting me with the spear.

"You never told any of us!" She screamed in my face, "Everyone is going to be so mad! I swear when Phil finds out-"

"He already knows." I interrupted and if possible, she got even more mad.

"I am going to murder all of you!" Śmierć yelled, "Samael and Michael and Ankou and Yama and all the rest of them are going to explode!"

I scratched the back of my neck again, "Yeah I don't know if they allowed all of you.. Phil only spoke to me about it so-"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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