21: Coming

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It was one of the deepest sleeps I'd ever had, exhausted from the events which had just transpired, I only got up when I was shaken awake by a very concerned Techno.

Wait, what, nothing was able to affect Technoblade, he was indestructible, so what had happened?

Something in me dropped, a feeling, something bad was going to happen. I put a hand to my head, a wave of nausea hitting me.

It was an instinctual feeling, one that I had no idea would affect me so much in this form. I felt a small tug. A whisper in my head telling me to leave, to get out of there and go to where I needed to be.

My heart dropped as I opened my eyes to a wide eyed Technoblade, and before I could speak, he held a finger up, silencing me, "I got a message from Phil, they're coming, now."

My eyes widened and I threw the blanket off of me, accidentally throwing it right in Techno's face, before rushing down the ladder.

This is it wasn't it? Someone was going to die? This feeling, I couldn't shake it, and I knew I had do something, it was Technoblade, it wasn't him getting killed, I wouldn't let him be killed.

I didn't even look back as I heard a 'Hehh?!' from Technoblade, and I walked over to the windows, making sure that I couldn't see anything, I turned around just as Techno landed on the floor.

I walked over to the brewing stand and checked the chest, potions would help, they'd be extremely essential, did we have enough? What was the amount of people coming? Would they outnumber us? What if they found out what I was?

I'd have to leave, and I'd abandon my friends- wait no. I'd abandon my friend, my singular friend. My friend who'd leave most of the day and come back with a random dog, or my friend who'd read in his room silently, the only evidence of him being there was the occasional page turn.

I counted up the potions and found we were running low on some regen ones. I climbed to the basement to look for ingredients and Technoblade just followed like a lost puppy.

Every time he opened his mouth to say something, I brushed past him, fiddling with each and every little thing, measuring out ingredients, counting golden apples, mixing up certain compounds, I didn't have time to talk.

I only stopped once I made eye contact with Technoblade, his hand scratching the back of his neck. He looked pretty uncomfortable, just standing there, he opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get a word out, I interrupted him, "What the fuck are you standing around for, get ready." I turned my head towards the window, checking for any movement, "They could be here any moment."

I turned around towards the brewing stand, which I then shoved some glowstone in. I only heard a panicked chuckle before whipping straight around.

I swear if he had time to laugh and not prepare, I'd be throwing the glowstone powder in his eyes.

"Calm down, Phil only just sent the message, and since the compass you took was the nether one, those nerds are going to travel in the overworld, they'd get here tomorrow at earliest-" Technoblade explained, making me calm down a little, I turned back to the potions and waited for them to finish.

"That gives you time to prepare, go get your armor on, help me start brewing more potions." I said, grabbing up the completed potions and sorting them in the potion chest.

I turned around to see Techno just, standing there. He rubbed his eye and moved towards the ladder, climbing up while speaking, "I'm going back to bed, wake me up if you see them."

I just stood there, mouth agape. What was he talking about? Was he even the least bit concerned? He still had three lives right? He'd still wake up in bed?

He had no idea what was coming, the slight nagging feeling, telling me to leave, telling me to get there and prepare. Prepare for what? Stalk the area and wait for the death? No, this had to be related to the events that were soon to happen.

I couldn't leave him, my, only friend.

Phil didn't count, he was Phil, he was just, there. He was always there to talk yet things seemed too professional with him, like we couldn't get over the barrier out of jobs and get anything out other than small talk.

Phil would still be there. He wouldn't abandon me, he'd visit. In fact, I didn't even have to leave, I could watch from a distance, I could stay in another form, I could go to the afterlife. I didn't have to leave, I was just overthinking.. again.

That calmed me down a bit, every one I had met other that Tecnho had been.. concerning and violent, except maybe that Rainboo guy, he seemed a bit confused the entire time.

Technoblade, was confusing, he had a tough exterior, yet I saw a day to day life that many didn't get to see, one where he wasn't a bloodthirsty dog, he did things that other people didn't do, like bring home giant amounts of potatoes sometimes.

Technoblade was Technoblade, he could go and kill those people, I didn't know, I was worrying for nothing, what was I to care about if someone I didn't know died? In fact, it let Wilbur have friends, someone to ground him 24/7, I should just convince Technoblade to kill everyone, then everything would be better.

Drama, drama I didn't want to deal with, I instead moved towards the chest, placing some supplies that were needed inside of the lone potion chest, it would have to do with the limited space in the house.

Golden apples, check, extra shield, check, massive amount of potions, correct.

I was panicking for no reason, we would be fine.

Why did that pit in my stomach not get better?

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