8: Carl

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. For a moment, I forgot where I was. Then it all came flooding back to me: the afterlife, the train, Wilbur.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the drowsiness. It had been a long day, and an even longer adventure with Wilbur. I'm pretty sure that was his name. But now I was home, Technoblade's home, surrounded by snow and awkwardness.

I looked around the room, the blanket had fallen to the floor so I picked it up and returned it to the couch. The door to Technoblade's room was open so I could only assume he was already started with the day, what time was it?

Technoblade, he was here, probably right downstairs, unless he went who knows where again. My heart skipped a beat as I thought of him. Our last conversation was terrible. I don't think any of our conversations had been good. In fact, our interactions could only be described as awkward.

I went to the window, staring out at the endless expanse of snow. It was a strange and cold place, why build a house here? Was there something special?

I couldn't help but feel drawn to Technoblade, even though we had never really talked. There was something about him, something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Was it his quiet strength? His unwavering determination? Or was it something else entirely?

He was powerful, lifelong friends with Phil, and what else? He was, the only interaction other than the gods and dead people I'd ever had. He was something new, talking to people who aren't somber or upset or sad all the time.

He was the first person I talked to, the first social interaction where I wasn't bound to my duties. The thought made me smile.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. This was foolishness. I had work to do, maybe sort out the chests and send a message to Phil. I had duties to attend to. I couldn't let my personal questions get in the way of my responsibilities.

I went downstairs to see a note from Technoblade again, he had left to get supplies, told me to.. take care of Carl? Who was that? There was only one other creature in the house and that was,



The horse.

Why Carl? That wasn't a horsey name.

Wait a minute, how do you even take care of a horse?

Technoblade wasn't there to help, so I left the house and went outside, maybe I could figure something out. I looked at Carl, who was munching on some hay. He seemed calm and well-behaved, but I didn't want to take any chances. Carl was a big horse, and he could do some damage.

I walked over to Carl and tried to pet him, but he moved away from me. What a skittish horse. What did horses need again? Fresh food, water, exercise, was that it? Well he had food and water in his trough, which left exercise.

I groaned, how was I supposed to do all of this? I had no experience with horses, and I had never ridden one before. I had to try, this is what Technoblade wanted me to do, and I wasn't going to not do it.

I filled up Carl's water bucket to the top and gave him some more hay. Then I realized he needed to be groomed. I went inside to find a brush but quickly realized that I had no idea what I was doing. Were there special brushes for different areas? What was I supposed to do?

I looked at Carl, who was looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. I knew that I had to do better.

So I went outside and looked around his pen for anything that may help. I sighed in disappointment when I found nothing. I'd need to do that later then. Next on the list was exercise, and what was better than taking him for a walk. Maybe he'd trust me more after that.

I grabbed a lead and wrapped it around Carl's neck. I opened the pen and walked in a random direction. It was an open area, so hopefully I wouldn't get lost with the cabin still in view.

I wouldn't try and get on Carl, walking next to him was better, safer. Even though he looked uncomfortable to be walking with a complete stranger, he still followed my lead.

It wasn't long before I heard a sound in the distance. It was the sound of crunching snow, Technoblade must have come back, he and Phil were probably the only ones who knew about the cabin. I led Carl back to the cabin and found Technoblade, staring at the open pen and missing horse.

He looked at me, his expression covered by his mask. "What were you doing with him?"

I looked down, feeling embarrassed. What if I did something wrong? "I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do. I've never taken care of a horse before and thought he might like a walk. I kept him on the leash the whole time."

Technoblade stared, grabbing the lead out of my hand and putting Carl back in his pen. "It's fine, you didn't get into any danger right? Carl's my retirement fund. I should've known what you were capable of before assigning you chores. Taking care of a horse can be tricky. But you did good for your first time. Next time I'll show you how to brush him."

I felt a sense of relief wash over me and I looked up at Technoblade. He wasn't mad. I had tried my best, and that was all that mattered. I hadn't gotten lost or lost Carl. Maybe he was impressed I did that without having any horse knowledge. Imagine that, Technoblade, impressed.

I realized what he had said. How could a horse be a retirement plan? Was Carl really worth that much? Was there a buyer that Technoblade had prepared?

As we walked back inside, I realized that I had a normal non awkward conversation with him. There hadn't been awkward pauses, at least, not as many as normal.

I couldn't help but smile. Could Technoblade? The strongest and most powerful person of this land, become my first real friend?

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