13: Hope

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The night had passed, carrying away the haunting dreams that had plagued me. As the first rays of dawn filtered through the window, I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the sound of voices coming from the other side of the room. Curiosity piqued, I tossed off the covers and made my way towards the source of the conversation.

As I got closer I found Philza engaged in an animated discussion with the kid from earlier, who had brown hair and small horns. Now that I was closer I noticed large scars that covered the boy's face. What could have caused those? His voice was loud as I approached. Phil turned to me with a warm smile as he noticed me.

"Ah, Thanatos, you're awake," Philza greeted, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Here, let me introduce you to someone. This is Tubbo, the president of L'Manburg."

Tubbo's eyes widened with excitement as he extended his hand in greeting. "Hello there! It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you."

My eyebrows raised, what had Phil said? He knew to keep some things secret, I can only hope that he didn't do anything too revealing. He also mentioned that this was the President. This? This child, teenager, was the President of a country that the Blade himself helped to destroy? And they were rebuilding it?

Well, better not get attached then.

I shook his hand, returning the friendly gesture. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. President. I've heard tales of your bravery and dedication to L'Manburg."

Heard so much, within the five minutes I spent in L'Manburg before it blew up. Gosh I was going to have to lie a whole bunch to this kid wouldn't I?

Tubbo's gaze shifted to the doorway, and he ran towards it, he opened the door for someone and I turned back to Phil. He looked, weary, like he had been traveling for decades and never slept. I turned back and saw an unfamiliar face.

He was taller than the door, he must have had to duck to even get in the building. The man, kid? It was hard to tell with his height, was multicolored. One side black, another white. A long thin tail swung behind him. Interesting, I'd never seen a creature that looked like that before. Then again, kids with horns weren't considered normal in other places.

The person's eyes held a mix of curiosity and caution as he surveyed the room.

Tubbo's voice carried a note of pride as he introduced the newcomer. "Thanatos, that was your name right? Phil, allow me to introduce Ranboo. He has recently joined our nation and is one of the newest citizens."

Tubbo sounded so happy, I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto my face, he just sounded so upbeat that it made anyone happy. Sort of like the effect that Phil had.

Ranboo nodded in acknowledgment to Tubbo's words, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I've heard a lot about you, well, Phil more than.. Thanos? Oh! Thanatos! Sorry for that."

His smile dissipated but reappeared when I nodded to him getting my name right, he stuck out a hand and I shook it, before he moved to Phil.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue in the presence of these individuals. They represented the hopes and aspirations of L'Manburg, a group striving to rebuild and forge a better future. They didn't give up after getting blown to high heavens.

As we settled into a comfortable conversation, sharing stories and experiences, I began to sense a connection forming. Each of us had faced our own trials and tribulations, our paths converging in a collective pursuit of justice and redemption.

Tubbo spoke passionately about the progress they had made in rebuilding L'Manburg, the unity and resilience of the community. Ranboo shared his own journey, the challenges he had overcome, and the aspirations that fueled his commitment to the cause.

In their presence, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The struggles of the departed souls I had encountered seemed to intertwine with the hopes and dreams of those I now stood beside. Perhaps, in this gathering of souls, there existed the potential for healing and growth, not only for the individuals but for the greater cause we all fought for.

In that moment, I realized that this encounter was not a mere coincidence. It was a manifestation of destiny, a convergence of souls connected by a shared purpose. With Philza, Tubbo, and Ranboo by my side, I knew that together we could create a profound impact, not only for the troubled souls we encountered but for the world we sought to shape.

In the embrace of this newfound alliance, I felt a flicker of hope, a glimmer of light illuminating the path ahead. After all of the toils and turbulence that we have all been through, everyone was here, talking, smiling, even laughing.

It brought me hope.

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