37: Armor

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I followed Techno downstairs, he was shuffling around in the kitchen and came out with a plate, "You haven't eaten in a while, I made you some breakfast."

I hummed a thanks and took the plate, just as I was about to start eating, there was a knock on the door and we heard Tommy scream, "Hello Ranboo!"

Techno took out his pickaxe and opened the door, "Ranboo... do you have any of my items?"

Get got straight to the point. In shock, I swallowed the bit of egg I had in my mouth and summoned my scythe, that was one of the people who kidnapped me, I should've known they'd be back.

A small growl escaped me as I stood behind Techno, he exited the house and stood outside, talking as they stood in the snow, "I-I don't have them on my right now."

The slender enderman hybrid looked awkward and scratched his head, he turned his attention from Techno to me. I could see Tommy yelling at Ghostbur but he was the least of my concerns.

Why was he here? Was he here to hurt us? He wasn't outright holding a weapon, but he could have others there ready to subdue us.

I raised my scythe as Techno talked, ready to attack if needed, "Ranboo I need you to give me one of my items or I'm going to kill you."

He started to speak, "Oh uh-"

Techno didn't let him finish, "I can let you access an enderchest if that'll help."

"You won't kill me if I just give you just one?" He said, he seemed scared, and I guess he would be when talking to a piglin hybrid in full netherite that was ready to kill him.

Techno was extremely intimidating, with his blood red eyes peeking through the pig skull on his face, he held his pickaxe in a manner that looked lazy, but was angled in just the perfect way for him to easily stab everyone around him with no warning.

He glanced back at me, seeing my weapon raised and shook his head, would he really listen to this person? He turned back to the tall man, "How many do you have Ranboo?"

I lowered my scythe, but only slightly, I narrowed my eyes at Ranboo, he wasn't even wearing armor, what was the point of coming here?

Ranboo looked down at Techno, "I have-"

And Tommy came to shove Technoblade and scream, "Ay Techno!"

"I have one." Ranboo finished in a quiet voice, overshadowed by the kid, "Don't speak to these guys.

He was of course, ignored, and I took the moment to look at Ghostbur, who just smiled and waved at me, untroubled by the situation.

Techno turned to Ranboo after being interupted by Tommy, "How many do you have."

Tommy deflated, he stared at Techno, then to me, then to Ranboo, before turning back to Techno, "Or just continue speaking to him."

Techno, obviously annoyed with Tommy, snapped at the kid, "I'm getting my stuff back Tommy!"

Tommy looked like he was about to cry, he started stammering incoherently, but Techno interrupted him, repeating, "It's for the discs!"

That seemed to make him feel better, so he turned to me and his expression turned guilty, before turning to Ranboo.

"Which item do you have Ranboo?" Techno repeated again, not once getting an answer.

Incoherent screaming. I don't even know what Tommy said, but he ran off to Ghostbur, and I just stared at him.

"After he finishes.. whatever he's doing.." Ranboo said, following Techno as he led him into the cabin, I followed behind them.

While Techno showed Ranboo to the enderchest, I stood in the doorway so I could hear both conversations.

"I think I have.. one of your armor pieces." Ranboo said as he reached into the enderchest, pulling out a netherite helmet.

"That's not foot." I heard Tommy yell before closing the door, one of these conversations was more important than the other, and I knew which one it was.

Ranboo handed over the helmet and Techno looked over it, "Ah the helmet.. Technoblade's helmet is back." He put the helmet on his head, replacing his spare set.

He talked about symbolism and diamond armor as he walked outside and we followed him, Techno seemed in a considerably better mood as we all entered the other conversation.

"You were meant to invite everyone! You didn't invite anyone!" Tommy exclaimed, his voice wavering at the end of his sentence.

"I did! I did invite everyone!" Ghostbur had a frown on his face, but Tommy moved on.

He went after Ranboo next, "You gave me a pickaxe out of pity!"

Ranboo frowned, looking down, "It wasn't out of- You didn't read the last letter I sent you."

"I didn't receive an invitation." Techno said in response to Ghostbur. His words fell on deaf ears.

"It wasn't there! You didn't send me a letter!" Tommy yelled, with Ranboo responding right away, "I did send you a letter, it was in the letter chest!"

"I don't know what keeps happening, I don't know who keeps trying to-" He looked at all of us, before landing on Technoblade, "Well I probably do know who's trying to-"

"Why're your looking at me?" Techno clenched his diamond axe, and Ranboo backed up a few steps, "I- I was just looking at you, just.. I don't know why I was looking at you, I'm sorry."

Ghostbur, who has disappeared somewhere, opened the door to the basement and looked at all of us.

"Just includin me, making some eye contact." Techno nodded, before noticing Ghostbur who had entered his house again.

Techno let out a sigh and followed the curious ghost.

Leaving me with all of this trauma talk.

Ranboo spoke about debt, and it felt incredibly awkward. Like I shouldn't be there, I considered leaving, but that felt too awkward, so I was just stood there. I put away my scythe, nothing was happening anyways.

My stomach grumbled, I really wish I could've eaten those eggs, they were probably cold by now.

I only zoned back in when Techno ran up to us, "This emotional moment is great and all.. Thanatos, Tommy, do either of you have my.. netherite pickaxe?"

"No." Tommy said, and I shook my head. Techno ran back in the house and Ghostbur walked over to explain himself.

Techno ran away to his cool secret door and I zoned out again, mmm, eggs.

Eggs were tasty.

"Did it have a stamp on it?" Tommy inquired, and Techno jogged back over, interrupting, "You guys are still talkin about mail?!"

Tommy spoke up, "Technoblade! Wilbur's been made 'omeless!" He seemed excited, which was a weird thing to be excited about.

And pickaxe talk, Tommy tried to steal Ghostbur's pickaxe, and Techno threatened Ranboo in exchange for more gear.

These people were going to be the death of me.

Too much drama, I was ready to go and sleep for three more days.

There was too much social interaction, so I did the simple thing and left to pet Carl.

Carl was calm, chewing on some hay. And I brushed his mane. It was calming, and once it looked slightly acceptable, the entire gang came clambering out of the house.

Techno was back in his original set of netherite, and he was the one to give an explanation after calling Ranboo a pushover.

"We're going to go get some wood, do you want to come along?" He asked.

I looked at the others, Tommy looked excited, Ranboo a bit anxious, and Ghostbur? I don't know where he went.

I put down the brush and nodded, going inside of the cabin and grabbing a spare axe. Coming out to see everyone waiting, we all started running to wherever Techno was bringing us.

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