38: Red

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Running was the worst.

Especially when running with a piglin hybrid who seemed to have unlimited stamina, a enderman hybrid who's legs were almost Tommy's height, and Tommy, the child who couldn't keep up.

Oh and me, the dude who had zero stamina.

How far away was this forest? There was a forest next to the house, why couldn't we go there?

Tommy made fun of me, calling me an old man, which I guess.. isn't untrue, but he didn't know that.

And he had the absolute worst small talk questions. Absolute, worst.

We finally ended up at a forest, and immediately got to chopping. Chopping and talking about the most random topics.

Ranboo didn't see us as enemies, and Techno very much saw him as one.

The topic shifted from cacti, to execution, and even foxes.

Oh and we lost Tommy.

He ran off somewhere, called us, and instead of following his.. very helpful instructions. We decided to go home.

Came across two villages, both Tommy-less, and ended up going home insulting each other.

It started snowing, so we all bundled up in the cabin in front of the fire. Tommy shoved open the door and sat down next to us. He held a rabbits foot he got from somewhere, and sighed.

He tried to sell his rabbits foot to Ranboo, and I got up to make tea for everyone.

After getting four mugs of steaming hot tea, I came back to see both Tommy and Ranboo asleep. Techno was gone, probably upstairs, and that left me to deal with the random sleepy fellas.

Random note, it was incredibly hard to carry someone down a ladder, especially if they were of no help of all.

It took a good fifteen minutes to get Tommy in his bed, and I have no idea how he stayed asleep. After making sure he was covered, I went upstairs to deal with Ranboo.

I had absolutely no idea what to do with him. What was I supposed to do with another random stranger? Especially one taller than me. I couldn't carry him up or down a ladder.

I could try, but that felt rude. So instead I shook him slightly awake. He was confused at first, but when I led him to my couch he expressed his thanks and fell asleep almost immediately.

With nothing else to do, I knocked on Techno's door, and after a small, "Come in." I walked in to see The Technoblade sitting on a wooden chair with a book open on his lap. A lantern burned on the small round table next to him, emitting a warm glow across the room.

It was then I noticed I'd never been in that room before. Even when Techno went out for most of the day, I always respected his privacy and left his room alone.

There was a big bed resting in the corner of the room, with red sheets almost reminiscent of Techno's cape. It was located right next to the window, and held a simple nightstand next to it.

On one of the walls sat a desk littered with papers, and a shelf that held too many books to count. Then there was the chair near the foot of his bed that he was currently sitting at.

"Yes?" He asked in a curious tone, and I almost forgot the reason I had entered the room in the first place, it was so quaint, and nice.

"Oh I just wanted to tell you I put the two others to bed, Tommy's in his little hole, and I let Ranboo take the couch." I responded cordially.

Techno nodded and looked down at his book, before closing it and putting it on the table next to him. His skull mask lay on the bedside table, and his scarred face instead had a pair of glasses settled in on them.

I was about to leave when he spoke, "Do you know where the name Thanatos comes from?"

I froze, turning around from the door to face him, "I can't say I know a lot.."

Techno took his glasses off and folded them, setting them on top of the closed book, "The name Thanatos, comes from Ancient Greek Mythology, he was known to guide souls to the afterlife."

I scratched the back of my neck, a nervous tick I hadn't been able to get rid of, "And what does this have to do with me?"

He must've noticed, as his eyes narrowed, but he just continued as if we were having a normal conversation, "It means nothing, I'm just a fan of Greek Mythology, not every day I hear a name from the stories."

I chuckled softly, "Let's just say the people who named me were going for a theme."

"Why not name you after someone more well known? Like Perseus or Heracles? Thanatos isn't as big or famous as the rest of them." Techno questioned with a tone of curiosity.

I shrugged, "I'm not exactly a hero figure."

"Thanatos wasn't a hero, but he wasn't the villain either. You know, death was considered peaceful to the Greeks." He explained.

I almost laughed at that, all the screams and tears I've seen, all the last wishes and regrets. Techno rested an arm on the table next to him, "That would make you an anti-hero."

I gritted my teeth, "You think you have me all figured out you psychoanalyst?"

"Oh not at all, I think you're one big mystery, someone I've seen before at least." He responded, taking a moment to look out of the window.

I froze, with all of the bloodshed and the wars and the fighting, I was sure he hadn't seen me reaping any souls near him, but did he know? Had he seen me before?

Techno stood up, "Death wouldn't fear death would he? As he already knows what's out there... that is even if he can die."

The words, 'He can.' died on my lips, he knew too much, did I really underestimate him? Was he going to do something? Tear apart the cozy life I had made here? I'd have to run away, again and again, and again.

But all he did was walk to the bed and sit on it, "Have a good night Thanatos, I hope you sleep well."

The lantern burned out, and all that was left were the blood red eyes that pierced through the darkness. I exited silently and closed the door, taking one last glance at those staring eyes.

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