The Field

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Technoblade and I found ourselves in a field. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers, and a gentle breeze rustled the tall grass, creating a soothing melody that danced around us.

Seated side by side, we shared a rare moment of tranquility, far removed from the conflicts and burdens that plagued our usual existence. The weight of our roles and responsibilities dissolved into the background, leaving only the genuine connection.

As we gazed upon the serene landscape, our conversation flowed effortlessly, unburdened by the weight of the world. We spoke of dreams and aspirations, of shared memories and newfound joys. Laughter echoed through the field, mingling with the soft melodies of nature, creating a symphony of serenity.

Technoblade's eyes sparkled with a warmth and familiarity that transcended our different states of being. His smile, radiant and genuine, lit up the surroundings, as if a glimpse of pure happiness had manifested before me. In that moment, it seemed as if nothing mattered but this, a moment of true happiness.

It was almost like a picnic, a red and white checkered blanket below us, our masks both off and the wind blowing through our hair, it was perfect. We talked about everything, everything our minds could come up with, and it seemed that time slowed, giving us this moment together.

We clinked our two drinks together before taking a sip, and I watched the setting sun as the aroma of my drink settled in my nose. I turned back to Techno with a smile on my face and found him staring back with a calm smile of his own.

I sighed, wishing the moment could stay like this forever, and listened as Technoblade started to speak, "I'll always be with you y'know, no matter how much time passes."

I cocked my head to the side, what was he getting on about? He was right here, why the somber sentence? I chuckled as I put together my response, "What are you talking about Techno? You're still here, why speak like that?"

My question was tinged with curiosity, and although I still smiled, Technoblade's smile became a little more distant as he started to speak, "I am still here, I'll be here for as long as you remember me, for as long as you all remember me."

I opened my mouth to speak before pausing, this, wasn't real was it? Technoblade wasn't here, yet I was. I put my glass down and stared at him, he was right there, he was fine, he was.. alive.

I spoke, smile turning into a frown, "This, isn't real is it?"

Technoblade tilted his head to the side, a smile still on his face, "What makes you think that? Here I am, speaking to you, I might not be alive, but this is very much real."

I frowned even more, memories piecing together in my mind, "You're not really here though are you? And.. neither am I.."

The memories came flooding back, Technoblade, a man, an icon, a son and a friend. Tears started to pool in my eyes as they started to widen in my realization.

Technoblade's expression turned into one of concern and he reached an arm out to rest on my shoulder, grounding me slightly, "I'm here, you're here, we're in the field, the date is June thirtieth-"

"2023, exactly one year from your death." I cut him off, swiping his hand off of my shoulder and standing up. I didn't watch where I stepped and spilled my drink all over the blanket, breaking the glass in the process.

Technoblade frowned as he saw the blanket, getting up to pick up the shattered pieces of glass as I backed away from him, "You're dead, you aren't really here." My voice trembled as I felt wet hot tears start to flow down my cheeks, my realization a punch to my gut.

Once he cleaned up all of the broken shards, Technoblade smoothed down his clothes, not the angry red royal clothing he usually wore, but a simple black shirt, leather jacket and blue jeans. He had a pair of glasses on his face, he wasn't just Technoblade, but also a mix of the man underneath.

He spoke in a calm collected voice, "You're not here either, we are but characters, words on a page, a page in a book, our stories written out for us."

I rubbed my sleeve against my face, only to notice my own attire, a red hoodie with black sweatpants, it wasn't even close to my normal clothes. My voice trembled as I spoke, "Why are we here? Why are we-"

"I came to be here for you, all of you." Technoblade interrupted me, placing his hand back on my shoulder.

I wiped my eyes again, why did it have to be him? Why did he get taken away at such a young age?

"What do you mean all of us? I'm the only one here?" I said, trying to get my trembling voice under control as I stayed frozen, looking into his eyes.

"All of you, all of the people who cared for me, who saw me and who grieved for me, who still grieve for me, I'm here to tell you that it's going to be ok, that I'm not in pain anymore, I'm not suffering, and that it will get better. The pain will always be there, that's the price of caring, but it will get better. I can promise you that, I care for you all, no matter who or where you are. There's a lot of things I wish I could say, but sadly that time is up."

I stayed silent, processing what he had said, the tears that I had managed to stem only coming out quicker that before. I rushed forward, engulfing Techno in a hug, my eyes closed as I stained his jacket with my tears.

I hugged him so tightly that I was scared I would crush him, I didn't want to let him go, like a kid who didn't want to share their toys. I opened my eyes and looked into his, I could see tears emerging from his own eyes, and he took one of his arms away from the hug to wipe my eyes.

"Please don't leave me, don't leave us." I whispered, in more voices than just my own.

He brushed his hand through my hair and smiled, speaking a single word, "Never."

He let go of the hug and I stared, tears still running down my cheeks, trembling from all of the emotions I was feeling. I could only watch his kind smile as he turned around, putting his hands in his pockets and walking towards the sunset. Before going too close, he turned around and waved, uttering three simple words, "Technoblade Never Dies."

He turned around and disappeared into the light, leaving me alone in the field, the blanket we were sitting on rustling in the wind, I sat down and watched as the sky dimmed, whispering in too many voices for my one mouth, "Technoblade Never Dies"

Oh gosh, such a heart wrenching chapter, this is the first A/N! Woo! I try to avoid putting these in because it's a bit unprofessional but let's keep it in for this chapter.

Honestly, this Techno was more human than in the normal story, and this is how I think Al would speak than the character of Technoblade.

I cried so much when writing this chapter, Technoblade was and still is such an inspiration to me, and he could make me smile in even the worst moments.

I think this is how he would act if this were to actually happen and I'm super happy with how this chapter came out, sorry for the long authors note but wow, this was a doozy to write.

In relation to the story, this chapter is non canon and basically an AU. Nothing in this chapter travels over to the book and this is just a remembrance chapter.

Next chapter for the actual book is a work in progress right now so no telling when it comes out, but so far it has so much, and I mean so much lore. We get to learn a bit more about the character of Thanatos, small spoiler but I'm excited for the upcoming events. I have no idea when it will come up but I might take a couple days of break after this chapter.

Til next time!

The Grim Reaper || Technoblade (Old)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz