30: Intimidation

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When Tommy and Techno returned inside, I stood in the snow looking around. The footprints had been covered up from the battle the other day, and I heard glass crunching underneath my boots. It took me a couple of minutes, but I found my mask near a particularly big bloodstain. I rubbed it off on my sleeve and raised it into the air, getting a clear look at it.

My breaths came in short and quick, a smile reaching my face, it was here, they hadn't taken it, or thrown it away, it was right here. I doubled over, clutching my mask to my chest, it was right there, as perfect as the day it was made. Sure a couple scratches here and there, but otherwise no cracks, and the dark glass eyes were intact. I reached up and fastened it to my head, the leather strap fitting snuggly over my hair.

It was perfect, the symptoms would be showing soon, and this would hide them. I pulled my hood over my head and stood up, taking a look at the sky. That was a good thing with the dark glass, the light never hurt my eyes.

I fell in the snow, leaning back and looking at the sky, the clear sky with clouds rolling by. I didn't even feel the cold, it was.. nice. Like I could spend the rest of my life here, peacefully.

But that would never happen.

I heard the door open behind me and I looked over to see the kid. He left the door open and looked up at Techno in the window, "Hey want to see something I've got?"

He ran back inside and I got up, brushing the snow off of my clothes and following him inside, closing the doors behind me. Finally time to return to reality.

Climbing up the ladder, Tommy held a trident and Techno looked at it first with excitement, but then disappointment, "Why would you waste a trident like that?"

"Dream gave it to me." Tommy said as if that explained everything, I didn't even know who that dude was, but Techno seemed to understand and just stood there as Tommy tried his best to attack him.

The trident was of course ineffective, and Tommy pulled a block out of his enderchest, "And I've also got this."

It was bedrock, the block known to be indestructible under any circumstances, it was impossible to grab, and here the kid was, holding it. With the knowledge that if he placed it, it would be stuck forever. It only seemed like he had a single piece, but still, my blood ran cold with the knowledge of who was able to get that.

No mortal would be able to get that block.

"Oh I got one of those!" Technoblade shouted excitedly. Going into his own enderchest and pulling out another piece of bedrock. The thing radiated coldness and they held the blocks up together shouting 'Bedrock Bros'.

I felt as if I missed out on some important things.

The two were busy in excitement, so when Techno put his bedrock back in his enderchest and Tommy turned around and screamed, Technoblade whipped over and held his pickaxe menacingly.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Tommy yelled in a voice at least an octave higher than it normally was. Techno turned his head, presumably assessing the situation, and when he realized it was me, he let his guard down. If I was going to kill him, I'd have done it already, and he knew that.

I raised my hands in a blocking motion and squinted at the sudden loud noise, "Thanatos, random dude who's been here this whole time, remember?"

Techno let out a gruff laugh and Tommy's mouth turned into an 'o' with realization, "What's with the creepy getup? You aren't more intimidating than The Blade y'know."

As if to prove his point, Tommy stuck a thumb towards Techno, and the dried blood on his half raised pickaxe spoke loudly.

"It's not my deal to be intimidating, this is just what I wear." I responded shrugging, the opinion of a teenager wouldn't harm me too much.

"Whatever, you look like piss, where'd you find that getup anyways?" Tommy asked, reaching a hand up to my mask, which I promptly slapped away. Tommy's face turned into one of shock, this irritation.

I decided to shut him down, "It doesn't matter to you does it? Your clothes all look as if they've had better days and mine don't have a single tear."

"Thanatos." Techno barked, a warning, this kid was not to be trifled with, unless I wanted to go against Techno, and he was powerful enough to snap me in half.

The execution had hurt like a bitch, and I didn't want to find out what dying felt like.

There was a tense silence in the air, only broken when Tommy spoke up, "Yeah Technoblade, reel in your dog. C'mon, we've gotta discuss the discs."

He patted Techno on the shoulder and took a wary glance at me, before running out the door. I almost growled at the tone he used, I was in the right of mind to send the kid straight to the afterlife, that was I wouldn't have to deal with him here.

Techno followed Tommy, but stopped before reaching the door, and spoke in a cold voice, "He might be annoying sometimes, but if you hurt him, I will make you wish for the sweet release of death."

I froze, and just watched as he followed the kid with a small smile on his face.

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