5: Technoblade

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The introduction wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, then again, I held the worst expectations for it. Mostly, thank you for letting me stay, my name, and awkward small talk.

He seemed to be as social as I was, so he just introduced himself as Technoblade, or the human gps, and made a comment on potatoes, then left.

Considering he left in the middle of a snowstorm, he really must have wanted to get out of that conversation. Then again, being asked to house a complete stranger had to be a bit awkward.

Phil took the moment to climb down the ladder. Saying how it was time for him to leave. Since I was unconscious for the ride over, I hadn't known how long it had actually taken, and apparently the journey back to L'Manburg was a couple days, so he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Phil hugged my goodbye, stole some bread from a chest, and exited the door as I waved him off. I watched through the window as he disappeared in the snow. What was it with those two and leaving into snowstorms?

Now that I was alone, and had absolutely no idea what to do, I looked around. Technoblade had cleaned up a bit, and the dust was gone from most surfaces. I decided to finish the job and wipe it off of the windowsills and other areas.

Turns out the room next to the main area was a small kitchen, a couple furnaces and smokers, with different ingredients ready to be cooked. After cleaning up that area a bit, I went back upstairs.

There, I examined the bell and enchantment table. The enchantment table of course, was a normal enchantment table, with its different runes and abilities. But the bell?

What was the purpose of the thing? It was humongous, almost as big as a human head, and over an emerald block. I gave the thing a ring and like a bell, it rung. It was just a normal bell, like one at villages that would warn the unsuspecting villagers of raids.

I left the bell for the other room on this floor. I opened the door to a bedroom. A large bed for the piglin hybrid to fit in, a lush sitting chair and some shelves filled with books. A window that would have given a great view of the snowy mountain if not for the current storm, and a closet that I could only guess held more royal cloaks and other things.

It was a bit ironic, being an anarchist with royal clothing, almost if he were the king of anarchy. I couldn't guess why he decided one day that he'd dress like that for the rest of his life, but if it was meant to be intimidating, it definitely did its job.

I went back downstairs and then down to the ground floor, where there were a bunch of chests. I opened a couple to find most empty, or having little material.

It made sense, with the fact that he didn't live there in a while, but it was still impressive. Having a full on winter cabin that he could run too if he needed. Who knew how many other bases he probably kept hidden from the world.

My stomach grumbled and I went into the kitchen to find something to eat. There was some apples, a bit of bread that Phil didn't take, and a boatload of potatoes.

So that's where the comment on potatoes came from. He must own a farm nearby or something. I grabbed an apple, not ready for something so dry as a baked potato, and went back into the main room. I sat in front of the empty fireplace.

Even without the fire going, my clothes were good at keeping body heat in, so I wasn't complaining. I quite enjoyed the colder weather, it was warmer temperatures that I couldn't stand.

I finished the apple and went back upstairs to the couch. What was I supposed to do? Sit around til Technoblade came back for more awkward conversation? That wouldn't be useful, plus who knew how long that would take.

I couldn't go outside and explore with the storm, he could always use more space right?

Yeah, that's what I'd do.

I ended up finished through chests til I found what I needed, an extra pickaxe. It was made of iron but it would do. I looked around for a good place to start, before just digging where I stood, creating an extra addition to the ladder.

Once deep enough, I measured the storage room and started digging.

After enough time there was a room. It wasn't the best basement, literally just a rectangle of stone with some torches on the wall, but it was a basement, and it was useable.

I'd fix it up later, my package broke as soon and I finished and I didn't want to fish around the chests looking for more materials to make a new one.

It was a little dissapointing, the stone brick ceiling was the most interesting part, and that was only because of the above floor. I imagined what to replace the walls with, maybe some smooth basalt going either horizontally or vertically, or maybe even continue with the stone brick.

I reached the main floor as soon as the door opened, revealing none other than Technoblade himself. He walked inside and just stared as me on the ladder.

I considered just going to the attic without a word, but I got off the ladder and looked up at him. Damn he was a tall man.

"Congrats, you have a basement now, I threw the shards of the pickaxe at him and climbed back on the ladder upstairs.

Stupid stupid stupid, was I trying not to be awkward? Good job with that, didn't even let the man talk. Comes back from gods know where and comes back to see the guest he has, that he didn't even want, tell him he had a basement, what was he going to say?

What was he expecting, me to sit around all day? It definitely wasn't to go on and make a new room.

I sighed and slumped down on the couch, putting a hand to my mask.

Should have made dinner or feed the horse or something. I sighed again, when was Phil coming back? He just left and I already missed him.

Phil, speaking of Phil, maybe it was time to check up on his son, see how his mind had deteriorated in the afterlife, finally bring him that deck of cards. A project for another day though.

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