3: Wings

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Phil handed me a bow and some arrows he had gotten from somewhere and we started shooting down the withers, whittling down at their health until they finally died. All the while there was a battle between actual people.

I could feel it, some deaths had happened, but none permanent, I just watched as swords smashed and shields raised. The screaming for milk died down so at least I knew we did something.

I wouldn't get into the battle unless Phil did, I had no reason to choose sides, and I didn't even know anyone there. Almost anyone there.

I turned to Phil and he gave me a grin before I felt a flashing pain in my shoulder and turned my head towards it only to see an arrow sticking out of it. Not even sticking out, the arrow had cleanly entered my shoulder and now part of it was on each side of my shoulder. I looked at where the arrow came from and just saw a shocked blonde teenager.

I made eye contact with him and his eyes widened like he was about to say something, but he was chased off by a dude in a green hoodie. I'd seen that hoodie somewhere.

My leg have out and I put my hand up to my shoulder. I had already dropped my bow and arrow and I looked down at my hand to see it stained in red. So this is what bleeding was like.

I pulled the arrow out, gritting my teeth in pain as I felt tears start to appear in my eyes. Never again would I laugh at the souls who commented how painful their deaths were. Black spots blocked my vision and I leaned one of my arms ion my fallen leg, in a sort of kneeling position.

There were more screams but I couldn't hear them anymore, dang that hurt. I hung my head and turned to Phil, "Hey bud, I think I might need help with this."

He had been fixated on the battle and only seemed to just realize what had happened. I put my hand to my shoulder again and tried to block the hole, to no avail. Everything went dark and I must have hit the ground.

I woke up on a horse. A brown horse with a long braided mane. I couldn't see from the sudden light in my eyes, and I blinked. I was slumped over, leaning on something as the horse trotted. Not something, someone.

I straightened up, and fell off of the horse into the cold snow. The wind was knocked out of my lungs and tears made their way into my eyes. I blinked away the tears and looked up.

The horse had stopped and Phil jumped off of it, looking at me with a face of concern. He offered his hand and I took it, once I was standing, I brushed the snow off of my clothes and just looked at Phil in confusion.

He scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah yeah, you have two hundred questions, I'll answer them when we get there."

I opened my mouth to question him but heard a cough come from the horse. When I turned back towards the horse, there was another man on it. A man with, long pink hair and royal clothing.

I froze. The Blade.

What the heck was he doing here? My eyes widened from behind my mask and Phil motioned for him to get off of the horse. He complied and jumped off, gathering the reins in one hand so the horse wouldn't walk away.

Unlike my mask, The Blade's eyes were visible behind his, blood red eyes that could strike fear into anyone. We stood there for a moment, frozen.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking, whether or not I was an enemy? The next war he had to fight in? Why the heck Philza brought a random dude along with them?

As if he read my mind, Phil spoke, "This is Technomat- Technoblade, we're going to a safe place and he offered to help."

I just stared at Phil, my mouth agape even if it wasn't visible. What was he thinking? This was a mass murderer, and he was standing right there!

He hadn't even taken time to clean off his clothes, which were blood soaked, but from the way he was standing, it looked as if he didn't have any injuries. Where had the blood come from? From past allies? Friends no longer?

Phil broke the silence once more, "Listen mate, we'll get there then I'll answer your questions, now, cmon, it's still quite a bit away."

I nodded and I heard The Blade's rough voice above the chilling wind, "We're pretty close now, it's just past this hill."

Phil nodded and turned around, his back facing me. His wings.

His majestic wings.

The wings of a god.

Decimated. The feathers were covered in blood, which could only be his own. Scabs covered the wounds and there were entire chunks of feather missing.

If the explosion had damaged his wing too much.. he would never fly again.

The Grim Reaper || Technoblade (Old)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن