27: Oh Theseus

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I woke up to the rising sun, looking out the window showed a nice sunny day, with a small layer out powder snow glistening. Paying attention, I could make out the broken glass that shined through, and bits of blood strewn about.

I stretched and yawned, climbing downstairs only to hear Technoblade and the kid- Tommy, arguing loudly. I rubbed my eyes as I entered the kitchen, Technoblade was at the furnace, cooking something on top, and Tommy was pacing across the room.

Technoblade was muttering about wasted potion, and Tommy was ranting about how everyone was a bitch. I entered the room and the blonde pointed at me, "And who the fuck is this?! You never explained anything!"

Techno kept his focus on his pan, and I looked over to see what he was cooking, eggs. One of his eyebrows raised and I turned around and Tommy was no longer pacing, he sat on a spare chest and continued speaking, not even leaving time for Techno to talk, "You can leave, we don't need you here."

Technoblade let out a wheeze, "Tommy, Rude." He didn't look very serious, and he almost doubled over in laughter.

He dumped the eggs on a plate, offering it to us with some empty plates. Tommy jumped up and shoveled a couple eggs onto his plate, sitting back on the countertop and stuffing them into his mouth.

Techno's eyebrow raised, he looked over to me and I grabbed a plate and two fried eggs, leaning against the wall with a fork and eating them slowly.

Techno took the remaining eggs and ate them himself, it was a nice bit of silence before the child started speaking with his mouth full, about how he wasn't friends with us and how he loved minor terrorism.

We both just stared in silence, and Tommy shoveled the rest of his eggs in his mouth. He immediately started choking, coughing bits of eggs all over the place.

He rushed to the sink for a glass of water, and we just watched in amusement. Once he finally got the food down, the calm voice of Technoblade rang out, "I told you to eat slowly."

I burst out laughing, my own eggs finished at this point, I put the dish in the sink to be washed later, and turned around to see the kid red faced like a lobster. He seemed to be out of words and Techno just looked smug.

Once we were all finished eating, Tommy of course commenting on how the eggs tasted like shit after eating them all, we returned to the other room where Tommy went and put half of his body in a chest to try and grab more of Techno's stuff.

Technoblade, trying to save some of his useful items, walked around bringing all of his valuables into the ender chest.

While Techno was fixing his stuff, Tommy placed a two turtle eggs in the floor, right, behind, Technoblade. Before I could warn him, Techno turned around and stepped on one of the eggs, staring at the crushed shell beneath his hoove.

"Oh you just trampled a turtle egg! Oh my god!" Tommy started yelling like it wasn't him who put the eggs there, and Technoblade crouched over, turning to Tommy and yelling, "Why did you place a turtle egg in the middle of my house?! There's literally no way to walk around it!"

It was true, the house was pretty full with all three of us. Technoblade carefully picked up the small shells and returned to the chests. Right as I went down to pick up the last remaining egg, Tommy tripped over nothing and smashed the last egg.

What, an, idiot.

All three of us made eye contact with one another, before Technoblade just, walked out the door, saying to follow him while commenting about how Tommy hated turtles.

Tommy and I followed, making sure to close the door as he stepped into the snow. We followed behind, like two lost puppies following the nice person who fed them.

Technoblade commented, "You see there's something, that I haven't shown anyone, even Philza."

The tone shifted, no more joking, it was all serious, Tommy fell silent and I looked up at Technoblade, watching as the wind blew his braided hair behind him, what was so terrible he wouldn't share it with his oldest friend? Phil was.. the best of us, the optimist, there was nothing he'd judge us for.

Technoblade continued leading us behind the cabin, "I didn't want him to see me, this.. side of me."

"The truth is.. I've been trying to resist the voices, they say so many things."

Tommy couldn't help but interrupt, "What voices do you hear?"

Technoblade turned back as we approached a small mountain, "I hear so many voices, and they say so many things. But the truth is.. I've been working on just a little hobby."

He led us behind the hill, repeating about his little hobby, he instructed us to look at the wall of stone in front of us. Tommy and I made eye contact before saying yes, and Technoblade clicked a hidden button.

The wall came down, and behind it... were skeleton heads, either skeleton heads. Rows and rows, Tommy screamed and cursed, backing up as Technoblade yelled, "Welcome home Theseus!"

Tommy was frozen, Technoblade maniacally laughing as he turned to face the heads with a smile on his face. And I just stood there. So many heads, so much death. This is what he had been doing for hours at a time, hunting the heads of either skeletons.

It made so much sense. I let out a small smile.

Oh the chaos we would cause.

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