23: Sea Sick

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I dropped my scythe as I ran over to Carl. With all of the focus on Technoblade, no one saw as I charged, I jumped, and I heard as Techno shouted, "What are you doing?!"

Everything went black.

Oh yeah.

Probably not my best choice, running at a man in full netherite and a horse taller than 6 feet.

Gosh, Carl was taller than I noticed before.

And netherite was hard.

Something I hadn't thought of in the two seconds it took for me to make my choice.

The pit in my stomach only got worse as time went on.

Oh, that was being sea sick.

Sea sick?

..We were in the tundra? Weren't we?

I opened my eyes and puked, turning my body and leaning off the side of a small wooden boat.

Ugh, that felt terrible. Bile rising and burning my throat, my last couple meals being turned into fish food, it sucked.

I got pulled back into the boat roughly and a chorus of yelling and screams hit the air. I could barely hear all of the voices with all the buzzing in my ears.

How did I just do that? How did I just puke with my mask-

My mask?!

My face, was it open, where was my mask?

My eyes widened as I reached for my mask, the comfort of darkness and warmth, gone.

I couldn't even reach it, my hands tied behind my back with rope. I couldn't do anything, they'd all see me, they'd all stare.

They'd stare and judge and watch and hunt me down. They'd hunt me and kill me and I'd be alone again.


I was stuck, sitting in a tiny boat, in the middle of nowhere, how stupid was I?

All I had to do was stay safe and here I was- actually, where was I?

I took the moment to look around, I was on a boat, that was obvious enough, but there they were, Tubbo, the child with too much power. Ranboo, the.. enderman, thing.

Two others, an anthropomorphic fox, and a normal looking man. Ghostbur, being careful not to splash water in his boat, and the random sheep he found.

He really decided to bring a sheep across the entire ocean?

One more person, Technoblade, he was there too. Sitting behind Tubbo, his massive silhouette covered in blood. He didn't have his armor.

Why didn't he have his armor?

He was massive compared to the kid, I don't even know how the boat stayed upright with the weight difference.

I mean no offense to Techno, but he was part piglin, a wild giant beast, with a tiny kid.

He was in shackles too, but they looked minuscule compared to his hands, he could break them at any moment, so why was he there?

His shoulders heaved, deep breaths that ended in small pig snorts, like he was trying to keep calm, why wasn't he bashing their heads in? What corralled the beast?

Oh, Carl. Carl was there. The lil horse, he was, in a boat, attached to a lead?

How stupid were these people?

One tug from Carl and whoever was holding the leash would be in the ocean.

In fact, how was Carl being so calm? He was just standing there, chewing on a piece of wheat.

It was like he was trapped in the boat, he didn't even look concerned with any of the rocking or the empty expanse.

I wish I could be a horse.

Do nothing, care about nothing, sit and eat. Sleep.

I should've been a horse, so much less drama. Maybe I'd pray for the gods to turn me into a horse.

Imagine that, Technoblade would die with a random horse in his house, he'd probably scream like an old lady.

I wish I could see that.

Oh yeah, back to the actual kidnapping that was happening.

I looked down, my wrists were rubbed raw from all of the moving and trying to escape. Did they only bring a couple of chains? I only had a bit of rope keeping me back?

If these people knew who I was.

Calm down, breathe, it's not time. Not yet, oh there was going to be a lot of death soon, I could feel it in my bones.

It was my purpose, my job, to gather souls and bring them to the afterlife, if my soul was taken away, that is all that would be left, an empty shell, doing its job.

It's like my purpose was hard wired into me, something that was as natural as my instincts.

Now how would I get out of here? Oh yes, trust my instincts, trust my, stand up. Yes, standing, causing a whole bunch of yelling, grabbing, shoving back down.

The sensible thing to do?

Step step off the boat, just walk right off.

Mmm, did I know how to swim?

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