39: Axe

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He didn't know it all right? He couldn't, it was just a guess, just a very accidentally correct guess. Anyone would be able to find where my name came from. After all, it was a name that was commonly thrown around in Greek Mythology.

He was probably just a nerd interested in history. That was it, I didn't have to jump to conclusions. I could just make an excuse, named by some history buffs or something.

I almost sat on the sleeping Ranboo, forgetting that he was on the couch. He looked so peaceful, and now that I thought about it, he wasn't the one who attacked us. It was mostly the three others, he just stood there watching.

He was still there though, he did nothing to help.

But he did return Techno's armor.

I didn't know what to think of him, he seemed a bit awkward, but who wasn't when Techno was around, he didn't seem like a threat.

How was I supposed to make friends with people when at any moment they could die?

Then I'd have to see them go deranged. Just like Wilbur.

I should've done this before, spent more time with people, so I could know how to not be so affected. So I wouldn't get so attached.

Death was scary, another thing I realized. I'd never seen this side before, I was always the tool, used for a single job, I had nothing to fear. But now?

Now I could feel, and now I knew how fleeting life was.

Or, I guess I didn't.

After all, I couldn't die.. and no one I really knew had died.

I was being too sentimental, too worried, everything was fine.

I heard creeping from behind the door, Techno probably finally heading to bed. And I still had nowhere to sleep.

I guess I'd test something, I never needed sleep before, did I need sleep now? Yes I slept, but that's mostly because I felt like it, or was forced into it, I never really had the need for it.

So what did I do with the newfound time I had?

I cut more trees.

Not even bothering to go to the forest we ran to earlier in the day. It was a waste going that far when there were perfectly good trees here.

I made sure to replant any saplings that fell, and I chopped until my axe broke. I considered using my scythe, but a couple of holes left in a tree told me it wouldn't work well.

It was nearing dawn when I returned inside the cabin, shoving the stacks of wood in a chest, and rummaging around trying to find a replacement axe.

There were a lot of spare tools, most being enchanted diamond ones that I didn't feel comfortable just taking.

So I did the sensible thing.

And I made a new axe.

Have I mentioned I've never made tools before? I had no need for it.

Oh and sculpting things out of molten metal is extremely hard.

So when I aimed for an axe, I got a wooden stick partially covering in a chunk of iron.

From all that work, I passed out on the furnace.

Well I guess that answered my question.

"Hey, Bitch wake up!"



I opened my eyes to see the kid, blonde hair tussled wildly around his face, with his eyes wide open in a face of concern.

I groaned as I woke up, lifting my body off of the furnace. Not a comfortable bed, before I could say anything, his high voice pierced the morning air, "Bitch you're finally awake, I thought you fucking died."

Did he know how to say a single sentence without a curse word? I stood up and stretched my back, he continued on, "Ranboo is coming with me and The Blade to go netherite mining! We're gonna get me a new weapon!"

He raised his arms like he was going to punch something, and it was then I realized the aforementioned Ranboo was standing curiously behind him, like he didn't know what to say.

I made eye contact with the slender kid and he looked away awkwardly, and Tommy continued on like a steamroller, "Anyways you're finally awake, so let's go! We've been waiting for you for an hour!"

Tommy ran away, climbing down his ladder to his little hole in the floor. That left Ranboo and me standing there like idiots.

"He wasn't telling the truth, he just got up ten minutes ago." Ranboo said calmly, he had a piece of toast in his hand, obviously still eating some breakfast.

He continued, "Techno's still out, thanks for letting me use the couch, it was uh, comfortable."

I nodded my head and hummed in approval, and from my peripheral vision, I saw him look down at the messed up glob of iron and wood.

"What's that?" He asked curiously.

"Oh uh, just uh, well, my terrible try at blacksmithing." Is all I said, kicking at the.. thing.

He finished his toast, "Well it looks good.. for a.. sledgehammer?" He questioned, trying to sound approving.

I burst out laughing, and a shocked look appeared on his face, he looked a little between laughing himself, or coming over to comfort me.

I put my hands on my knees to steady myself, and looked back up at him, "You're not too bad kid." I said, before stepping past him and climbing up the ladder.

"Kid?" I heard him question, but I needed a nap, the hours on the furnace were not at all good for my sleep, and right as I went to walk to the couch, I ended up walking straight into a disheveled looking Technoblade.

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