6: Firewood

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I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up with a blanket covering my body and a piece of paper resting on the side table. I yawned and lifted my mask to scratch my eye, a new day.

I stretched and got up, picking up the folded piece of paper.

"Went out to get supplies. Be back later, Thanks for the basement, go get firewood."

"PS, there's an axe in one of the chests you can use."

"PPS, message if you need anything."


I rubbed my eye again, it was nice of him to write a note and explain where he was going, even if it was him just assigning me chores. I folded the note back up and put it in my pocket, I hope he didn't mind me sleeping there. I made the blanket and rested it on the couch.

I climbed down the ladder and into the storage room. I looked through a couple of chests, and sure enough there was a fresh iron axe waiting for me. It even had an enchantment, efficiency two.

I was speechless, never had I held an enchanted weapon, the closest thing to anything like it was my scythe, but that was only really used for souls. I'd never fought with it or anything. I silently thanked Technoblade and walked out of the doors.

I was immediately greeted with a cold breeze, it seemed that the snowstorm from the previous night had gotten better and the sun shining overhead made the snow glow and it looked beautiful. I turned to the side when I heard a whinnying, and there was the horse that helped take us here.

I reached my hand out to pet him, but he backed up away from me. It was a small stable, surely he didn't want to do that. I stepped forward and the horse huffed, a warning sign before shaking its head and chuffing.

I didn't understand, was this horse stubborn or something? I was usually good with animals. Then again, it did belong to Technoblade, and probably nothing he owned was outgoing and friendly. I sighed and gripped the axe, walking away from the horse. Maybe I'd try and feed it an apple or something later to try and gain its trust.

Once reaching the tree line, my hands tightened around the handle of the axe and I started chopping.

I must have cut down twenty trees by the time I stopped. It was a monotonous chore, and gave me time to think, what was I doing? Crashing at basically a strangers house.

I had a job to do, speaking of which, I opened my communicator and sent a message towards Technoblade.

"Bring back a deck of cards if you find one."

He probably wouldn't see the message, or he'd just ignore it. It was better than nothing, and if I were to visit the afterlife, then it would be best to bring a gift so that Phil's son wouldn't lose his mind.

It was more of a curtesy than anything, no way would I be bringing the President anything. I had no obligation, and Wilburt, was that his name? He seemed ok, pleasant to say the least.

I collected the logs and returned to the house, our last encounter had been nothing short of awkward, and Phil leaving meant gods know when he'd be returning.

I set the logs next to the fireplace and put the axe back in the chest. I went into the kitchen and peeked my head into the cupboards.

I found a box of teabags and decided to make some tea, pulling out two mugs I waited for the kettle to heat up enough. Even if Technoblade wasn't coming back soon, he could always reheat it.

Once I heard the kettle start to whistle, I poured two cups and added the tea bags. There was only one flavour, so we'd both have to settle for that. I walked back into the main room and put one of the cups on the anvil, there were no tables or anything.

I sat down and raised my mask so it rested on my nose, only revealing my mouth. I blew on my cup to try and cool it to a reasonable temperature when I heard footsteps outside. There could only be one person who was walking up the stairs. I turned my head towards the door as soon as it opened and revealed a large figure with a bejeweled crown.

Not awkward not awkward like the last times I pointed to the anvil, "Welcome home Technoblade, I found the tea, made you a cup."

Was that too casual? Too formal? How was I supposed to talk to this man? Should've asked Phil for pointers before he left.

Technoblade opened his mouth, revealing two small tusks that stuck out, before closing it. He walked over to the anvil and grabbed the mug of tea. He sniffed at it before sitting down next to me.

I continued sipping my tea. What did I originally plan for the day? Oh yes, visit the son. That was it, I'd finish my tea, then visit Wilburk.

Technoblade hesitantly took a sip from his mug, before deciding it was good enough and taking a larger gulp.

I just sat there staring, what was he thinking? Why was the air so awkward. What was I supposed to say?

I stuck out a hand, "Thanatos, at your service. I apologize for any inconvenience, it must not have been nice to have a stranger dumped on you."

He grabbed it and shook my hand, damn his grip was strong. I took another gulp before noticing the empty cup and I set it down next to me. Why wasn't there a table or chairs or something?

"It's ok, if you'll believe it, not the first time that Phil's done something like that." Technoblade spoke with a gruff voice.

I shook my head as I pulled my mask down to its normal spot. It was a Phil thing, I wouldn't be surprised if the man came back to the house with a polar bear on a leash and called it Steve or something.

"Ok so I know you're Technoblade, bringer of blood, destruction, and taker of long naps. Anything you want to ask about me? I'd be happy to answer. You should at least know a little about the dude living in your house." I told him.

Technoblade pondered that for a moment, before questioning, "How long have you known Phil? No offense but he said you're an old friend, and we all know how time is with him."

How long had I known Phil? I couldn't answer since the beginning of time. Gosh, no wonder he had issues keeping track of things, he was there and present for everything, not just popping in at random times like the other gods.

My eyebrows creased as I put together my response, "Let's just put it like this.. I've known him for... longer than you've been alive."

Technoblade put down his own cup, apparently finished with it. I couldn't read any shock on his face from behind his mask. What did he even think I looked like? Unless he secretly had X-ray vision, then my appearance was completely unknown.

I continued, "Now that I've answered a question, hmm, how long have you known Philza?"

Technoblade opened his mouth once more, "I didn't know this was a give a question take a question, anyways, I guess I've known him since I was a teenager. He basically raised-"

He closed his mouth abruptly, and his relaxed demeanor vanished. Instead replaced with one of full of tenseness.

He spoke again, "I'm the one asking the questions here, remember, you're the guest."

He used the word guest as threateningly as he could, I don't know what came over him, but he seemed like a completely different person.

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