36: Burning

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A dreamless sleep always felt like it took no time, one second I was flopping on the couch, the next I was awake and the sun was too bright in my eyes. Raising my hands to block out the sun, and song with one came a little blonde boy.

"TOMMY WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed and jumped up as the kid scrambled back, also yelling incoherently.

I heard a crash from downstairs and Tommy stood up and wiped the dirt off himself, "I wasn't doing anything." He said in a tone of utmost sincerity.

"Yeah and watching someone sleep is nothing." I said with an eyebrow raised. Now fully sitting up, I stretched and leaned against the couch.

"I was making sure you weren't dead!" He half screamed. Walking over and flopping on the couch next to me.

"I told you I was fine, you know it's rude to watch people sleep right? What were you even doing holding onto my arm." I asked, leaning my head back on the couch, letting my exposed hair get all ruffled with the friction.

Wait my hair?

Dammit, they probably took off my mask in my sleep. I told them I was fine, why wouldn't they trust me?

"I was.. checking your pulse." Tommy said unsurely. Looking away from me as he said it, and I heard some shuffling coming from downstairs. Techno probably heard all of the commotion.

"Do you even know what a pulse is? You saw me breathing didn't you? I'm fine." I said, looking out the window across from us. It was clear out, and some frost was visible on the edge of the horizon.

"Of course I know what a pulse is!" Tommy stood up indignantly, before flopping back down, "It's... how much blood you have."

"Fucking- you better have said that as a joke." I said, exasperated. One glance at his sly expression said all, and I rested back in the couch.

"What's wrong with your face anyways?" Tommy bounced up, looking at me.

I put a hand to my face, "I died remember? Scars from the lava." I explained like it was the simplest thing in the world, and his mood dampened immediately.

I looked down at him and ruffled his hair, Nanking him perk up and try to push me away, "I told you, no harm done, I'm fine."

He brightened a little at that, and settled back down, "I thought burn marks were more pink and red, not black."

I straightened at that, pulling off one of my gloves slightly, so that Tommy wouldn't be able to see, and there it was.

Red and angry, like peeling dead skin, revealing the bone and flesh underneath. Black dead skin barely keeping everything together like a tangled mess of spiderwebs.

I pulled the glove up and got up, looking around and finding it. On the windowsill was my mask, almost as dark as my decayed flesh. I was lucky it didn't spread so far as to make the kid thug it was anything more sinister.

I clipped on my mask and pulled my hood up, turning to Tommy, "We will never speak about this again."

Just as I finished my sentence, Techno popped his head up the ladder with a, "Hellooo"

Tommy was for once, silent, and I just responded calmly, "Morning, I was just having a chat with Tommy over there."

We both looked over to the kid, and his face was as white as a sheet. I shook my head slowly as Techno just stood there obliviously. He was closer to Tommy and couldn't see my... slightly threatening actions.

He started to stammer, in a voice that was an octave too high, "Yeah! Y'know I see Ghostbur out there, I'll go say hi to him!"

He awkwardly left as we watched, and when he was gone, Techno raised an eyebrow in questioning towards me.

"Don't ask me, he acts weirder than that every day." I said, looking out the window to make sure Ghostbur was actually there.

Techno walked up next to me, taking in the view. Sure enough Tommy was violently shushing the ghost and Ghostbur was obliviously waving at us.

Techno spoke calmly, "Tommy was really concerned about you."

I turned to him, he was still looking out the window as if this was some unimportant news from three years ago.

He continued, "He really thought you had died, completely died, it took a lot of convincing to prove that you were actually alive."

I was silent, after randomly showing up and passing out, I was surprised the kid didn't have a heart attack. He must've actually thought he commuted a murder.

I didn't know what to say, did I really mean so much to the kid? He seemed flippant most of the time, not caring who I was or what I was doing. He mostly spent time chasing after Techno and trying to go on 'Tommy Adventures'

I didn't even notice as Techno got up and left, only looking over when he spoke, "Come eat something, you've been asleep for three nights already."

Wait what.

Was I asleep for that long?!


So uhh, thinking about doing a lil QnA, if you have any plot or character questions put 'em here and I'll answer them in a little QnA chapter!

That is all

The Grim Reaper || Technoblade (Old)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora