Finally! A new adventure awaits!

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On the deck of the ship the crew were livid with Mohmoo who seemed to still be trying to carry them further down into the ocean. Angry yells and cursing were rising up amongst the crew and the loudest of all was Coribou who was Caribou's brother and the joint captain.

"Why does it keep doing that?" Coribou screamed in his stupid sounding drawl and began kicking and screaming like a petulant child; unfortunately due to their attention being on the captain they failed to notice as an enormous tentacle emerged from the murky waters surrounding the ship and began to slowly approach the ship. While this was happening two more tentacles emerged and began surrounding the crew who were somehow still oblivious to the peril they were in, this didn't last long however as the tentacles struck with astounding speed and accuracy, the coating surrounding the ship was burst and crew members were grabbed and pulled away into the depths.

Slowly as water pressure began cracking the hull of the wooden ship more and more people were dragged to their doom by the still unseen beast. Coribou despite not being the sharpest knife in the draw actually had the good idea to hide out of sight; sadly like the others he was eventually pulled out from his spot, however he did manage to cut the tentacle open with a large blade which prompted a bellow from the depths. The was followed by a gigantic octopus darting straight at Coribou and biting his legs which severed them and left a large mist of blood which stood out against the blue of the ocean. As the creature devoured the rest of Coribou its tentacle erupted into black flames which made it thrash in pain scattering debris around the water, the flames continued to burn as it tore off its tentacle and searched around for the source.

As its blue blood mixed with the faint traces of Coribou's; the creature spotted a slightly smaller ship a few hundred metres above its position and with unbridled rage it began swimming towards it.

Back to the Sunny

Itachi, wiping the blood from the corner of his eye, observed the mixed reactions among the crew—horror at the recent slaughter juxtaposed with awe at his displayed power. Waving off Chopper, who hurried to assist him upon seeing the blood, Itachi turned his attention directly to Luffy.

"The creatures advancing on us, Luffy-kun, should I reuse Amaterasu, or do you and the others wish to deal with it?" Itachi inquired swiftly, noting the rapid approach of the oncoming threat.

Luffy responds by walking to the edge and waiting, he wasn't waiting long as the creature shoots past the ship and unfurls itself to its full size which dwarfs the Sunny. Nami, Usopp and Chopper scream in terror hugging one another as the others get into their respective battle stances. Robin looks in shock as she yells out.

"Luffy be careful! That thing is a Kraken!"

Acknowledging Robin's warning, Luffy locks eyes with the creature and after a short stare down cocks his fist backwards and places the thumb of his free hand in his mouth.

"Gear Third" Luffy yelled as his arm expanded until his fist was as big as the creatures head which then became black as Haki covered it completely

"GUM-GUM: ELEPHANT GUN!" Luffy yells as he lets his fist fly which connects with the Krakens head and knocks it back however due to Luffy's arm entering sea water it immediately loses a large portion of strength; this allows the Kraken to remain conscious and once it shook off the blow it sent one of its tentacles straight at the Sunny.

As Luffy tried to prepare himself but fails due to his arm still being soaked in sea water Itachi prepared to intercept however he stopped once Zoro began walking towards the approaching tentacle and in a flash the tentacle split into six parts and Zoro simply shook the blood off the blade before sheathing it. No one on the ship save for Luffy, Itachi and Sanji had even seen him draw his blade yet alone perform the move which split the tentacle like a hot knife through butter.

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