Itachi vs Aokiji

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With the Straw Hats finally gone, Itachi could let loose. Although using Amaterasu at such a large scale had drained him, he still had plenty of chakra left. He would've left a clone to clean up, but he had sensed Aokiji's presence on an approaching warship.

"It is useless. You will die and then we will chase your friends. Death is inevitable. You could not hope to win against the might of a whole fleet of warships and five vice-admirals. Itachi Uchiha! Prepare to die."

Itachi looked up at the cannons aimed at him.

"It seems that you are ones that are mistaken."

Molding chakra in his mouth, he called out.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!"

A massive fireball engulfed the entire bridge in front of him, killing all the marines left on it. It continued past the bridge, punching through a warship, destroying it in an instant.

He immediately began weaving through a set of hand seals before slamming his palm to the ground.

"Water Release: Rushing Dragon Whirlpool!"

A giant whirlpool began to churn around the bridge causing the warships to crash into each other. Dragons made of water sprouted from the water, wrapping around any ship they came across and dragging them under, crushing the ship and killing everyone aboard in an instant.

"What is happening?! It's just one man! Kill him already!"

"Ice Age!"

The sea around the bridge froze, stopping the whirlpool and the attacking water dragons.

Admiral Aokiji stepped onto the bridge.

"Evacuate all ships encased in ice. There are still a few warships left unharmed. Return to Marineford. I will take care of this."

Itachi stood back up, "How unlucky of me, to meet you here and now. Hopefully, I don't die."

"You are an interesting man, Uchiha Itachi. That little illusion of yours really threw me in a tizzy. If it wasn't for the fact that Spandam reported that he had Nico Robin in custody, I honestly would've forgotten about you and your little band of pirates."

Aokiji's eyes hardened, "Seems like you're more trouble than you let on."

Aokiji formed a sword of ice.

"Come, I'll end you here."

"Sorry, I'm not dying yet."

He and Itachi dashed at each other, swords clashing against each other. They exchanged a flurry of blows. Aokiji was unable to freeze Itachi's sword with his Devil Fruit powers as Itachi had coated the edge of his greatsword with Armament Haki. Itachi was unable to hit Aokiji, his speed with his weapon matching that of Itachi's.

Without saying a word, Itachi spewed a stream of white-hot fire at Aokiji, forcing him to jump back.

"Where do your powers come from, Uchiha Itachi. You use fire so well, but the Flare-Flare Fruit is already known to have been eaten by Fire Fist Ace. Perhaps a Paramecia type that allows you to control the elements? I saw you form that whirlpool earlier."

"I'm just a pirate with powers that you wouldn't comprehend."

"Enlighten me."

Aokiji's eyes flashed in annoyance before he rushed at Itachi again. He morphed his ice sword into a spear and threw it at Itachi's head. Itachi ducked under the attack, slashing upwards with his sword, but Aokiji had stopped just short of the swing and instead slapped his hand against the ground.

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