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She looked at those lovable idiots standing across from her.

"Let us handle everything now."

Luffy's words echoed in her head, beating all her woes into submission. A small hope flickered in her chest, but it was mercilessly crushed by Spandam's next words.

"WAHAHAHAHA! You think you pirates can face the might of the World Government? The full strength of the CP9 agents? Can you open the Gates of Justice, which no human power can ever do? Could you survive this?!"

He brandished a golden Den Den Mushi.

"With a single press of this button, I can trigger the Buster Call to come and absolutely annihilate you all!"

At the words of "Buster Call", cold fear gripped Robin's heart.

"No.. He wouldn't…"

Spandam turned towards her, "That's right Nico Robin. You heard correctly. The very thing that destroyed your home island, Ohara, wiping its name from the map. I have that power in my hands, and I would gladly use it against your so-called friends."

"No!" She cried out. "You can't! You can't call a Buster Call! Do you even know what will happen?!"

Spandam's tone took on a tone of smugness, "Of course I do. It'll turn your little pirate friends' chances of getting off this island to zero. They'll be destroyed along with it." Memories of Saul flashed in front of Robin's eyes. Memories of Ohara. Of its destruction. Memories of her always on the run. Always hiding. Since the age of eight years old.

"You won't just kill them. You'll be blown up as well! The Buster Call is a merciless attack and it doesn't discriminate. All it does is kill!Anything and everything!"

"Haaaaaaah? Don't be stupid. How could we be blown up by our own allies' attack?"

"You just don't seem to understand! The Buster Call will obliterate anything and everything! It'll kill pirates, marines, and civilians alike! And now you aim that attack at friends that I've finally found. Friends that have broken down the gates of the World Government just to get me back."

She turned towards the Straw Hats. "I wish to be with you more than anything in the world! But if I do, the more my curse will plague you! No matter where I go or what I do, I can never shake the giant enemy that is the "World" and the "Darkness" that it carries! If I stay with you, even you will realize that I am just a burden! That in time you would betray me! Leave me behind! And that's what I feared most! That you too would leave me behind just like everyone else! It's why I didn't want you to come and save me! Because I believed that the effort would be for nothing! I JUST WANT TO DIE RIGHT HERE! IF I'M TO DIE EVENTUALLY WHY NOT NOW! TO DIE WOULD RELEASE ME OF THIS CURSE!"

"WAHAHAHA! You see the futility in your actions, pirates? Look at that flag!" Spandam pointed to the World Government flag flying proudly on top of the Tower of Justice. "That flag represents the unity of over 170 nations! The unity of the World! You could never even hope to match us! Do you understand how small you are in the grand scheme of things! How insignificant you are in relation to the power of the World Government?!"

Luffy glared at the offending flag, "I know Robin's enemy very well. But I don't care."

"Sogeking," he said without taking his eyes off the flag. "Burn it down."

"With pleasure," The sniper said. "Observe the power of the great weapon Kabuto!"


A bird of flame shot away from the sniper, straight for the flag. The attack hit true, incinerating the symbol of the World Government in an instant. Spandam as well as marines all over the island gaped in shock at the burned flag.

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