Pt. 4

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The door opened behind him.

"Iceburg, sir? Is everything alright?"

He turned to see Kalifa and the "horror" and "anger" on her face as she saw Iceburg's injured body.

"You! Did you do th-"

"You can drop the act CP9 agent Kalifa." Itachi cut her off.

The act dropped instantly. "So you've found us out. How quaint. What are you going to do about it?" She sneered at him.

"Nothing. If I were to do anything, it would impact whatever Robin is trying to accomplish."

His response was met with only laughter.

"Then you are more of a fool than I thought."

She dashed at him using Shave, bloodlust flooding the room, but Itachi flared his killing intent in response. Kalifa's senses were instantly overwhelmed, causing her to trip. Itachi grabbed her throat before she could recover and slammed her head into the ground, knocking her out. They thought their Shave technique was so fast, but Itachi had faced faster opponents. In this world where many top dogs were stamina freaks, the CP9 agents were a bit more familiar territory.

He kicked her body to the door before turning and gently picking Iceburg off the ground and placing him in the bed. Green chakra coated his hands as he began to heal Iceburg's wounds. Once he was satisfied that Iceburg was in no danger, he walked to the small desk in the corner of the room and began to write a few short notes. They all described the general situation regarding Robin and the Cipher Pol agents. He placed one in Iceburg's hand, another he attached to one of his crows, and the final one, he left in Iceburg's office in the safe with the fake Pluton blueprints.

He jumped back out the window he had broken and into the storm, intent on finding his crew.

It wouldn't be until much later the next morning that he would find them, packed into a random inn near Dock 1. At that point, Iceberg had already awoken and seen Itachi's note. He carried on as normal, as instructed in the sheet, telling the reporters that Nico Robin had been one of his assailants. It was imperative that CP9 carried through with their original plan.

He quietly entered the room where they were sleeping and settled down, leaning against the wall before falling asleep. CP9 would not deter from their plans that night even if they had been compromised.

Itachi padded through the empty hallway of Galley-La HQ, a weasel mask he had bought covering his face.

When he had awoken, everyone had already left. Nami and Luffy had left to learn more about what happened to Iceburg, news of him being shot spreading through the city like wildfire. Sanji, Chopper, and Zoro had also already left, a short note from Sanji saying they were going to look for Robin.

Itachi had only sighed and left them to their devices. They'd eventually converge at the right place at the right time. They had a strange knack of doing that. Now, he was stalking the third floor of the Galley-La headquarters on his way to Iceburg's bedroom- CP9's final meeting point.


An explosion rocked the building. It wouldn't kill anyone, only in a spot to cause as much distraction as possible so Itachi hadn't done anything to dismantle it. It would only further their own sense of superiority, something that he could use against them. He turned the corner only for a hazy bloodlust to waft past him. In front of him was a hallway of dead bodies, leading to the President's Room. He saw at the double doors of the room, two silhouettes: Rob Lucci and Kaku. He Body Flickered to them, pulling out Fuyukokyo in one fluid motion. He slashed at their exposed backs, but they easily jumped away. Spotting Paulie bloody and beaten, sitting at the open safe, a roll of papers in his hands, Itachi dashed towards him, snagging the fake blueprints from his clutches.

"I know of your plans, CP9. Such a shame that the Pluton blueprints are not yours to take." He sealed the fake plans in a scroll, stowing it away within his cloak.

The man in the bull mask spoke, "Uchiha Itachi. You should at least change your cloak before trying to remain anonymous. Those red clouds are quite unique."

"I am quite fond of this cloak as it is. I'm quite sure that Kalifa would've told you that I had figured you out anyways. Rob Lucci. Kaku."

Paulie gaped in shock as the individuals took off the masks, confirming what Itachi had just said.

"Seems we had to reveal ourselves a little early, Rob. No matter. We'll just kill them now."


Shave." Kaku was in front of Paulie in an instant, his hand speeding towards Paulie's neck. Only, it never reached it. An iron-like grip stopped Kaku's hand dead in its path.

"I can't have you doing that."

Before Kaku could react, Itachi threw the man at the door, intending to hit Lucci as well, but he only sidestepped as his comrade flew past him into the hallway. Lucci gazed at him with a look of contempt on his face. He was about to say something when the ringing of a Den Den Mushi broke through the silence. An annoyed look crossed his face, "You've wasted enough of our time Uchiha Itachi. This ends-"

Before he could finish his statement, Luffy came crashing through the wall.

"Ah! Itachi! Pigeon guy! Help me get out! I'm stuck!"

"Another hindrance. It's good that you're here though, Straw Hat Luffy. You will be taking the blame for Iceburg's death." Said Lucci.

"Hindrance? Blame? The old man dead? Huh?" Poor Luffy was quite confused.

"He is part of CP9, Luffy. The group that's manipulating Robin." Itachi clarified.

"What?! You're the guys messing with Robin?! Stop it! Give her back to us you bastards!"

Luffy began to wiggle in the wall, trying to free himself.

"Let me help you with that, Straw Hat Luffy. Storm Leg."

In quick succession, Lucci sent out two flying air slashes at Luffy. Itachi was instantly in front of his captain, blocking the technique before it could hit his captain. He was able to stop it from hitting Luffy, but it still whipped around his sword hitting the wall behind him, causing it to split in half. The second slash went towards the ceiling, easily destroying it and causing it to start falling on top of Itachi and Luffy.

Itachi grabbed Luffy, who was still stuck in a part of the wall and hauled him to a safer part of the room. When he looked up towards the door, Lucci was gone. They'd have to be quick. Iceburg might give up Itachi's ruse on accident. He quickly broke the wall that was holding Luffy.

"Luffy, we need to get to Iceburg's room as quickly as we can."

He turned to Paulie, "You coming with?"

The man only nodded.

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