pt. 5

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The young Uchiha was saving his captain once again. The blade was blocking the upcoming kick from the light speed user. "Itachi!" Exclaimed the little strawhat. Itachi smiled.

"Sorry Luffy." Itachi grabbed Luffy by the collar and threw him away before his leg connected with Kizaru's leg. They both separated and landed few feet away from each other, Kizaru stood back with Akainu and Aokiji and Itachi stood in front of the group.

"Well Itachi," Kizaru smiled "You're still following Straw Hat like a puppy. Aren't you getting tired of this?"

Itachi smirked "What can I say? An older brother must protect their younger siblings." The four powerhouse was staring down towards each other. Sengoku was seeing all of this madness and decided to give in the order "Get ready men." The two executioners nodded "Yes sir." They raised their swords high above their heads.

"Tch." Itachi was about to do something but then had to dodge a series of magma fists from Akainu.

"Now do it!" Sengoku ordered as the blades started to go straight for the neck.

Whitebeard and everybody else watched in horror how that Ace was going to be finished. All of them were silent except for Luffy who yelled "ACE!" Then before the blades touched his neck…a hoosh sound was heard, followed by splattering of blood. It wasn't Ace's. Sengoku and Garp watch with shock as both executioners got slashed in the chests, killing them instantly and send them flying off the platform.

"Who did that?!" Sengoku demanded until he saw that an man stood among the marines who started pointing their rifles at him. "Huh." Was the only reaction the man gave.

Sengoku was angered "You bastard! Considering your old grudge against Whitebeard, I had thought we were lucky…Crocodile!"

Crocodile gave no reaction to the fleet admiral's outburst, but a lot of other people did. Luffy stared in surprise "No way!"

Marco landed on top of the wall "Huh…It wasn't my turn yet?"

"Just a short while ago Crocodile was trying to murder Whitebeard, what changed his mind?"

Whitebeard just stared at the scene, wondering himself why Crocodile would save one of his own sons.

"I can kill that old dying fart whenever I feel like it, but as for right now, I'm not gonna let you taste victory; you and your crooked operation." He then added "You're gonna own me a favor now brat." He said the last part out loud so Itachi can hear.

"Well, considering the executioners dead and Ace still alive, I will consider it if my captain let me." Replied Itachi.

Then suddenly Crocodile's head was decapitated, not that it worked but his head began floating over some marines who were scared shitless when it fell to the ground and turned into sand.

"Hey pal, do you remember me?" Doflamingo came walking by towards Crocodile's headless body while his back was turned against him "First you turn me down and now you want to team up with Whitebeard."

Crocodile's head started to come back into his normal form. When his head was back, Crocodile did not bothered to turn around to speak "Don't be foolish, I'm not teaming up with anybody."

"Either way you're giving my friendship a cold shoulder, I can't say I appreciate that."

"Deal with it."

Both men stood there for a full minute until both of them made their first move; Doflamingo tried to stomp him with his feet and Crocodile tried to use his hook. Both attacks were so powerful that the blast blew all the nearby marines away.

Itachi sighed at the display and started to look up at the main target.  "Now he's distracting them, hopefully Luffy realize this and tries to use this opportunity to get to Ace." An cocky marine with an sword started charging for Itachi. "Uchiha! You will die today!"

"Fool.." Itachi started reaching for his sword. Just as the marine was about to take a swing at him, Itachi grabbed for his arm and squeezed it so hard to make the marine drop his sword. Itachi looked the marine dead in the center of his eye and said "You first." A clean slice towards his head right off his shoulders.

Itachi stares at the remaining marines with his intimating glare with a cold aura around him.  "Who wants to join him next?" Asked Itachi.

"You bastard!" the marines pointed their rifles at him "What are you waiting for?! Fire!"

Itachi put away his weapon and started to do some hand signs. "Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!" Multiple fireballs have been firing at the direction of the marines. The destruction of the attack wiped out most of the marines in his path. Once the enemies weren't near him or his comrades, he pulled out a snail and start speaking "Father. It's your turn."

With Whitebeard

Whitebeard heard him through the snail on his hand "Good, give me a minute then we're ready to move."

"Understood. I hold out as much I can." Replied Itachi. Whitebeard saw that his sons were trying to swim their way to Oars but were being fired on by cannons. Whitebeard looked over to his 3rd commander. "Jozu."

"It's coming!" the trump card was about to be played.

Out of the underwater, another Whitebeard ship appeared and it came right under the swimming pirates as it managed to bring all of them on board.

"Another pirate ship?!" A marine yelled.

"Sink that ship!"

The ship indeed went straight for Oars as the giant yelled while stretching his arms to the ship "EVERYBODY GET READY!"

He grabbed the ship and pulled it inside the plaza; the Whitebeard pirates finally got through the final line of defense.

"We've made it to the Plaza guys!" Load roars could be heard from the pirates as they finally entered the bay.

"Impressive, that space could barely fit one ship through yet here we are with a boat filled with pirates. The walls were supposed to trap them, but Oars's body was blocking the last wall to seal them up." Said Garp.

Ace yelled "That's enough!"

Sengoku growled "He doesn't give up."

"Finally a lucky break, we got here right on time."

A tired Oars began to speak "We made it, the platform Ace is on the platform, we can do-"

Oars was hit multiple times by cannon fire before he could finish his sentence.

"They hit Oars!"

"Oars!!!" The group of pirates yelled.

Oars dropped to his knees and turned to the Whitebeard Pirates and said "Save Ace for me guys, don't let them kill him." Before he fell down.

Itachi stares at the retired body of the giant. He closes his eyes and starts to ball up his fist. "Thank you for your sacrifice, Oars-San."

Whitebeard gripped his weapon before walking forwards and stopping for a moment, he then jumped as first out of the ship and landed into the plaza in front of a whole group of marines.

After the attack, all of the Whitebeard commanders jumped in front of Whitebeard and were waiting for his orders.


Sengoku watched how the Whitebeard pirates had joined the fight and began "I don't think we can hold back anymore Garp, "He pulled up on of his sleeves and made a fist "This battle may be our last."

Garp agreed. He now was not only forced to see his grandson to fight against what he believed, he has to let his other one die for the world to see. Fighting till their bodies dropped.

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