Conflict on a island

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Another year pass since the departure of the Whitebeard pirates, traveling from island to island. Each experience from each one was somewhat interesting and informative. But when it comes to exploring, there always a battle between the marines whenever he was spotted.

During his travel, he sensed a powerful aura coming from an island near his presence. Itachi started to walk out of his cabin to feel the aura. It felt tired and lazy, but the air was feeling cold. He turned and see layers of ice in his direction. Itachi blinked in confusion at what was going on. 'Could be a devil fruit user.' He decided to port his boat on the ice and walk over to the source of this power. As he was walking, he noticed a group of people walking across the ice as he was. He walks towards them to ask if they know how the ice appeared. A man from the group explaining what had happened to them and had the help of a group of pirates and a marine soldier. It made Itachi confused about the statement. A pirate and a marine working together? It's rare for that to ever happen in the world that they live in. They've probably made up a story to ever make that a reality.

"I see. So do you know what pirate group is and the marine that made this block of ice?" Asked Itachi. The man tried his best to remember.

"I think that it was a kid with a straw hat and a tall man that was an admiral." Replied the man.

"Mm. Perhaps it would cause a problem for that crew."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Nothing. You can use my ship to get to your destination." The group was shocked at Itachi's request. "What do you mean, sir?! Isn't this your ship you usually travel with? Why just giving out to a couple of strangers?"

Itachi walked past the group to the island that was producing the ice. Before he continues, he turned to face the group one last time to reply with,
"Just like those pirates, I like to help people." Itachi continues his walk to see an island in his direction. In his near sighting, he sees a ship that had a head of a sheep. His sight was staring at the craftsmanship of the ship, and it looks like it was pretty banged up. During his inspection, his sight was caught on by a flag that shows a skull wearing a straw hat. 'So this is your little brother's ship huh?' Itachi smiled at the thought of him and Ace talking about his little brother. The thought of it was cut off by sounding like people screaming for their lives. Itachi tilts his head to the side to see what was the noise about. In his sight, he was watching a group of three people running and talking about something. The group was holding something seems like a brick of ice shaped like a woman. The people that were carrying it was an interesting type of group. In front, there was a man that had a long nose, a furry-like beast that has a shape of a human, and an orange-haired woman. Itachi disperses into the forest to not let them see them.

Itachi had a feeling that the crew was facing a powerful enemy. An admiral for a matter of fact. He knew that they wouldn't survive. After witnessing the people boarding the ship, the young Uchiha started to run over to the power source that was causing the ice. He quickly stopped to see that it was the tall man that fit the description that the group told him. Some of his body was covered in sheets of ice as if he froze over. After observing the tall figure, Itachi noticed the three men that were in front of the tall man. Each one had some layers of ice freezing over some of their body. One had ice on their shoulder, one had ice on their knee, and the last one had ice covering their whole fist.

They seem like they're in a whole lot of pain right now. Out of the three men, one with the froze hand seems to be wanting to fight the admiral so that the other two would escape. 'Time to intervene' thought Itachi.

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