A whitebeard pirate

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Six months had passed since he had woken up on this island. Waiting was something he was intimately familiar with, but it still did nothing to offset the dragging boredom that plagued him. The six months hadn't been in vain though. He had grown quite strong in that time or at least strong enough to easily carry two deer carcasses while dragging a third one behind him.

For the past six months, his routine had been rather consistent. Wake up. Jog around the island. Work on some chakra exercises. Eat. Meditate. Train. Hunt or gather. Check traps. Meditate some more. For another run. Eat. Think about his current situation. Sleep. Repeat.

All in all, life was quite monotonous. He had already explored the entire island within his first three days there. With nothing else to do other than think too many thoughts, Itachi decided to get stronger.

The lithe muscle he used to have on his frame now quite a bit larger and all the more powerful. Sadly, most of his clothes had been worn out with his training, so he had to make do with stitching together some of the animal pelts he had made to pass off as adequate covering. His cloak, however, was still in almost perfect condition. He had folded it and left it on a shelf in his hut, untouched since his second day on the island.

He began to walk around the island to start his daily routine again, but suddenly he seen a large ship across the shore. Itachi's eyes widened when he realized that there were people on his island. People that could tell him where he was, and most importantly people with a ship that could take him away from here.

He slowed to a walk when he was close to them. Through the shrubs, he could make out three of them walking up the beach, one of them the owner of the loud, boisterous laugh. The other two seemed to be chatting amicably, smiling and nodding to whatever conversation was between the three of them.

He stepped out of the treeline.


mmediately, after catching sight of him, their surprise evident on their faces, the three men dropped into more tighter stances, ready to fight at a moments notice. Itachi raised his hands in peace.

"Hello there. My name is Itachi Uchiha and I was on this island for six months. I wish it wouldn't be a problem for you to let me join you." Said the young Uchiha.

The three men studied Itachi if he was just a genuine guy or maybe an enemy towards them. They all look at each other with eye contact to decide to trust or not. One of them in the group start to speak with Itachi. A blond man with a head shaped as a pineapple with a mark across his chest. Itachi noticed it but doesn't address it yet.

"So, are you a pirate?" Asked the blond one. Itachi blinked confusedly on the question he'd asked. The blond man pointed at the akatsuki's cloud on his cloak. 'So this world uses labels as well in a singular group. That's explain his chest.' He thought. He shook his head to confirm that he wasn't. "No, I'm not."

The blond man was still skeptical about Itachi, but a tall man with a blonde pompadour just chuckled knowing he could trust Itachi. "Alright then, just to clarify, we're pirates that are wanted by the government. And if you are coming with us, you'll be a accomplice. So you sure you wanna do this?" Itachi was at awe on the request that the man proposed. Would he become a criminal again? Then again, he experienced with the government being the all power, but always have the shady work that they'll pull in order for peace among the world. Well, he doesn't have anything else to do on the island. He was interesting to explore the world as well. After giving some thought, he look at the three men and smiled, humbly accept the request.

"Sure. I got nothing else to do here. I accept joining your group." Said Itachi.

The man smirked at Itachi. "Alright then. My name is Thatch. The blonde one names Marco. And the last one names Izo. Welcome Itachi, to the Whitebeard pirates."

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