Chapter 24!

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You and the rest were currently in a jet, Izabella and sqweeks being there too, which was slightly a concern.

Only slightly.

The twelve knights had already switched into the alternate mode, being a dragon with multiple heads.

The sounds of gunfire were already heard, and you doubted that it was something good.

Several things were being said on the radio.

"Those fighters better distract those enemy ships!" One of the soldiers said, door to the jet opened and watching.

There were several cybertronian here in the area, and you really weren't happy with this at the moment.

You watched a jet fly down, after it was caught in an explosion.

"Sir, bird three just went down!" The man yelled.

The dragon could be seen flying, it being made up of entirely cybertronian metal.

The jets and planes continued flying, before you saw the middle of something, being one of the platforms.

"That's our landing pad!" Lennox said. "Take that big gun out!"

This was bad.

The jet crashed into something and scraped the ground, Izabella yelling a little as she held onto sqweeks, everyone yelling at this point.

"Hold on, we're going down!" Lennox shouted.

"It's gonna be a hard hit!" One of the Men said over the radio.


The plane landed, but it was extremely tough, several explosions being heard.

"Brace for impact!" The woman up front yelled.

The several military personnel got out, You, Cade and Viviane being the last ones out.

Enemy fire.

Most likely decepticons.

Chaos was all around the place, which was something you didn't quite like.

And there was Megatron at the middle with nitro Zeus.


You and Cade kept running, waving Viviane on, trying to get to a 'safe' zone.

You, Viviane and Cade made it to Lennox, staying behind him as he shot at several 'cons.

You weren't looking forward to this at all.

you and the rest ran towards a small crater, before you spotted Hound rolling in.

Thank the lord.

"Pinned down with the hound!" Hound said, machine gun in his servos.

He began firing, TRF Doing the same.

"No way, where's Optimus?" Cade asked, slightly panicked.

"They said he never made it." Lennox responded.

"We're fucked!" You said, rolling your eyes.

"We got the big gun on us!" Lennox exclaimed. "We're pinned down!"

Viviane held Izabella close, keeping her comforted as she breathed regular oxygen from the mask.

Why would she even come..?

"Negative to target! Unable to advance!" Lennox spoke into the radio.

Izabella then got up, and you looked over.

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