Chapter 12!

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You, Cogman, Cade and BumbleBee were currently walking along the grass in England, having just arrived after Cogman flew the three of you there.

Cade still had the Talisman.

You had a bandage around your hand, as it had been cut in the previous events with the decepticons in the abandoned town.

BumbleBee was at the back of the group, Cogman at the front, while you and Cade were in the middle.

You and the group were near some large castle-like building, obviously old architecture that was renovated into something liveable.

"Whose that?" You asked, raising an eyebrow as you spotted an old man.

"You tell me." Cade said, looking him up and down.

He had a pipe in his mouth, and beside him was an obvious autobot who appeared to look like some sort of tank.

He had a dog on a leash.

This tank had the words 'Bulldog' on it.

It rolled a little closer, before actually firing something at BumbleBee, Bee looking back at the autobot and opening his arms, annoyed.

"We have guests!" You heard the man shout to the autobot.

"How kind." You said sarcastically, grinning, Cade shooting you a glare.

The tank got into root mode, a few pieces going off of him quickly.

"What's the matter with you?" The man asked the older autobot.

"Shit! My bits are falling off." The autobot titled 'Bulldog' said.

"Idiot!" The man exclaimed, looking back at the four of you. "Hello there!"

Bee looked to Bulldog and then at the man.

"What the hell?!" He said through the radio voice box, most likely using a newer movie line.

"Master, he's a complete knucklehead." Cogman said to the man, referring to Bulldog.

"I'm awfully sorry about that, but you see, he thinks it's still the year 1918 or 1914. Something like that." The older man sighed.

"So sad." Cogman commented.

"World war 1 and all that stuff." The man said, turning around. "I mean... battle of the Marne, battle of the Somme, battle of the Marne, battle of passchendaele. Trenches and mud and death, and gore and all that. It's terribly sad."

You crossed your arms, raising both your eyebrows, tuning him out right then and there as Bee did the same, copying your stance.

"'It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go' yeah, but it's... it's terrible! I mean, so sad, you know? But then, I mean- isn't it? I mean, this late onset of, well..." he looked to Cogman, and Cogman tapped his head. "Robot dementia. It's not at all pretty."

"You could've just said that." You shrugged, uncrossing your arms.

"I don't know what you're smoking in that pipe, man, but... what's going on here?" Cade asked, looking to Cogman and the man. "Did you drag me and Y/n to some transformer retirement home?"

Cogman nodded.

"Time to admit Bee into one." You commented, BumbleBee kicking you lightly in the back and whirring in disappoint.

"Look, somebody better start talking, or we're outta here." Cade said, obviously irritated.

"Woah, woah- okay. Uhm-" The man looked up at the autobot next to you. "Bumblebee? We only met when I was a little boy in short pants. I must have been that tall-"

Bee looked at him in confusion, whirring as he shook his head a little, looking down at you for context before looking back at him.

"Maybe taller. Or maybe shorter, I can't remember. But never forget a face." He said.

"Bee, you know this guy?" Cade asked.

"He doesn't." You told Cade quickly.

"I don't... with you." Bee said, the fill in word being 'fuck' or 'know' but most likely 'fuck'.

"Told you." You said, nodding.

"Yes." The older man stated, before looking to cade. "Let's have a look at this thing."

He moved his cane towards the talisman wrapped around on Cade's upper arm, smiling a little.

"Please. Very interesting." He said. "Yes... you keep a secret for so long, knowing it to be true, and yet, deep down inside, you begin to wonder, 'has my life been wasted?'"

You sighed, looking down, Bee still watching the man.

"Have you ever felt like that, Mr. Cade or Ms/Mr/Mx. Y/n?" The man asked, tilting his head at you and Cade.

"It's just cade." Cade told him.

"You can literally call me anything but that." You stated.

You preferred Daytrader's way of addressing you rather than whatever he just said.

"Look, old timer, we don't have a ton of patience for riddles right now." Cade states, shaking his head.

"Yes, but you two want to know, don't you, 'dude'? Why they keep coming here. To earth. Right?" He asked.

The sound of an engine, most likely a Lamborghini, absolutely ripping it could be heard in the background, and it caught the older mans attention.

You looked behind yourself, raising an eyebrow as Bee and Cade did the same.

"Ah, I do so love perfect timing." He said.

A 2017 Lamborghini Centenario LP770-4 that was painted black with orange accents drove in, most likely another autobot if you weren't mistaken.

"What a bitchin' car she is!" The old man said, excited.

This car began transforming, into a root mode.

A woman rolled out, wearing all black with dark brown hair.

This autobot spoke with a French accent.

"No, no, no, little lady." The autobot said, going after the scared woman. "Why do you have to be like that? Pourquoi?"

The woman threw the stick at the autobot, but it did nothing.

"So is this a kidnapping sort of situation?" Cade asked.

"Or is it her first transformer experience?" You finished, tilting your head.

"It's both, really." The older man hummed.

You looked at the autobot, BumbleBee doing the same.

You recognized him as 'Hot Rod' having been told about him by BumbleBee in the past.


"Do not hit me again!" Hot rod said, the woman falling back a little.

"But she does have a rather nice fight-or-flight response." The man stated.

The woman began rolling down the hill, Hot rod standing up in frustration.

"She's very difficult!" Hot rod exclaimed.

|| BumbleBee x Reader || The Last Knight ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora