Chapter 8!

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It was morning right now, and you and Cade were currently stood in front of bee, bee laying down on a metal platform.

You and him were gonna replace the old one with the one Daytrader had gave you and Cade, in hopes that it'd work.

"Here goes, bee." Cade said.

"Better hope Daytrader isn't lying." You said, watching bee Lean back.

"Just do whatever you want." Bee said.

"Hey, Z, come on over here and work on a real bot!" Cade shouted, looking over at the girl who just fixed Sqweeks arm with Wheelie.

"Better than a smaller, yeah?" You said.

BumbleBee flipped over slightly, waving her on too.

"Doc, come in, doc." Bee said.

|| Time Skip ||

It had been at least ten minutes, and you were currently sat on a chair, Wheelie beside you, while Cade watched Izabella work on bee.

You had his new voice box in your hand, waiting for them to get the old one out.

"That's it." Cade said, watching her. "No, third one on your left."

Bee whirred slightly, feeling them mess with his voice box.

"Stop whining, Bee." You said, grinning at the mech.

"No. Wait. Your left. Right here." Cade corrected her, pointing to an area.

"I know what I'm doing. Don't rush me." Izabella said, temper rising a little bit.

"Hey, calm your temper, okay?" Cade asked. "Thinks he likes this? It's like being in a dentist's chair. Do you like the dentist? No."

Cade pulled the old voice box out, and you tossed him the new one, still listening to their conversation.

Izabella decided to bring up a new conversation as Cade caught the voice box.

"Hound said you can only listen to her. Your daughter. You can't talk back." Izabella stated, looking to him.

"He's got a big mouth." Cade said.

"Said it you do, they can voice match you from some computer somewhere and track you down." Izabella told him, blinking.

"Something like that." You said, Wheelie looking over at you and then looking at BumbleBee.

"Well, that's the world we live in." Cade sighed.

"What would you say to her?" Izabella asked, tilting her head a little bit, raising an eyebrow.

You knew this conversation could go really bad, or really good.

"Brush your teeth, work hard." Cade stated. "Stay away from any boy in a band, especially a drummer."

"Yeah, drummers are the worst, not to mention stupid!" Wheelie exclaimed.

"I'd agree with you on that one, I used to like one back in high school before I met BB." You said, grinning.

"Y/n gets it! And DJ's? Real dickheads." Wheelie stated.

"Valid." You responded.

"Come on." Izabella said.

She wanted a real answer.

"We had a thing. Alright? A saying, back and forth." Cade stated. "She'd always ask me, 'dad, what are you doing tomorrow?' And I'd say, 'I'll figure it out tomorrow.'" Cade said, still working on replacing the voice box.

"Looks to me like you're running out of tomorrows, Yeager." Izabella stated.

Cade stopped and looked at her.

"That's just what she'd say." Cade said.

"Aren't we all?" You said, Izabella looking back at you and smiling.

You watched Bee's mouth piece retract in, the two stepping away from him as you got up.


"Okay, Bee." Cade hummed

"Done." Izabella added.

"Come on, buddy, sit up. Let's hear it." Cade said, encouraging the bot to speak. "Come on."

"Better be something good, BumbleBee." You smiled, pushing yourself up and off the chair.

"Your real voice. For the first time, buddy. Belt it out." Cade said, bee sitting up.

You watched, smiling.

"This is so exciting." BumbleBee spoke, but it was in a females voice, similar to Siri.

Your eyes widened a little as Cade did the same, you beginning to burst out into laughter.

"Oh no. This isn't my damn voice." Bee stated, punching the platform.

"No! No! Keep it!" You laughed, Bee shooting you a glare.

"I'm gonna kill him, bee." Cade sighed.

"This is such bullshit." Bee responded, voicing his frustration.

"I love it, Bee! I do!" You laughed still, finding it extremely funny.

"Yknow what? I'm not giving up. Alright? You're gonna speak with your own voice one day." Cade said, walking off a little.

"Daytrader is a punk-ass bitch." BumbleBee said, sitting down and tearing his voice box out using his servo.

"Come on, Bee! I'm sure I could get used to that voice!" I said, laughing still.

Bee whirred at you in disappointment and annoyance, using one finger to push you Back a little.

Izabella smiled at the two of you, watching as Bee got up, pointing at you as he began walking out.

"Asshole!" BumbleBee said, using a voice that sounded a little more modern than the usual old radio ones.

You knew that this was something that was going to come back to haunt you, as Bee never let any little thing you did to annoy him slide.

No matter the circumstance.

"You And Bee are just like the way Crosshairs and drift described the ten of you!" Izabella said.

"Trust me. It's a long story." You said, looking to the broken voice box on the ground that Bee had just rigged out of his body.

You waved Izabella on as you began to walk out, a wheelie following in pursuit to not be left behind by you and the younger girl.

"Come on! Let's go find Trench, I don't think you've met him yet." You said, Izabella quickly following after you.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Wheelie said, Izabella looking back at him as Sqweeks began to follow too.

The junkyard was starting to look more like a family each day, as Izabella and Sqweeks only made each day a little more interesting than the last.

Of course, children were always interesting, and a new autobot was too.

That didn't make children any less annoying though, as you still didn't plan to adopt any of your own in the future.

Bad idea.

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