Chapter 22!

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Currently, you, Cade, Bee and Optimus were currently being targeted by the guardian knights, and one was swinging at Optimus.

You spotted Cade once you were done throwing up water, and he was already stood up with a sword in his hand, challenging one of the Guardian knights.

The hell?

Bee and you quickly got up, going towards Cade, who had the sword in his hand.

It was made of the Talisman, which made sense a little.

Once the guardian knights were challenged, they backed off and raised their swords, speaking in cybertronian.

Bee, you and Lennox looked around.

Optimus managed to recuperate.

"Cade. I have failed you." Optimus stated. "I have doomed earth. Earth, the only place in the universe whose people let me call it home."

"Only you can make it right, prime." Cade spoke to the autobot.

You stepped in front of the two, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't do it without you." Cade shrugged. "One moment, that's all we got. It's up to you, Prime. Because without you, we all die. It's now or never."

Optimus looked up and at the guardian knights.

"My brothers, I will never betray you again. I am Optimus prime. To save earth, we must go to Cybertron and destroy Quintessa." Optimus said.

You spotted the ship crosshairs, Hound, Drift and bee used to get around back when Lockdown was a thing rolling in.

"First of all, I'm gonna say this right now." You said, frowning at Cade, Optimus, bee, Lennox and several guardian knights looking over.

"First, we've gotta find Cogman and your girlfriend, then you're gonna make it up to me for not adding me in the damn credit list by giving be $200 and a new gun." You said. "Got it? Got it."

You pat Cade on the shoulder, and he rolled his eyes.

"Not my girlfriend."

|| Time Skip ||

You, Cade and Viviane had finally made it from the helicopter to Stonehedge, and you spotted Drift, Hound, Izabella and Crosshairs coming up with Jimmy.

"Hey!" Izabella yelled, beginning to run towards the three of you.

She looked happy.

Cade finally made it to her, smile on her face as you were the last in the group, walking there.

"Hey." Cade said, panting to catch his breath, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You got my message. You brought everyone here. Come on."

You spotted Jimmy, rubbing with BumbleBee, Optimus and the twelve cybertronian knights.

"Hey! I just found Optimus Prime!" Jimmy yelled. "He's gonna deal with all this shit! He's gonna save our asses!"

Jimmy immediately ran to hug Cade, you smiling as he did so.

"I brought the troops, man. I brought the troops." Jimmy said, before getting off of him.

The Autobots and the knights quickly caught up, going towards the several stone pillars.

"Knights, Autobots, this cannot and will not be the end." Optimus said, watching as the TRF and the other Autobots approached. "To save earth and her people, we are going to steal quintessa's staff."
(I loved how Optimus said 'earth and her people')

He then pointed to Viviane.

"Only you, Viviane, can take it back." Optimus told her, nodding. "I will lead the way into her chamber. And when the account of the ages is etched into the cosmos, let those who exist long after us know that this was our finest hour."
(I LOVED 'This Was Our Finest Hour' TOO)

You looked up, Optimus then using the rockets on his feet to go towards Cybertron.

How the hell did he manage to make everything so dramatic? In the best way possible too.

"Love that guy. Goosebumps every time." Crosshairs stated, watching him.

"I never got to say hi." Hound deadpanned.

You sighed, raising an eyebrow as you watched a bunch of military grade jets fly in.


You then looked back to BumbleBee who whirred at you.

"Don't even start complaining about your metal being scratched." You deadpanned, narrowing your eyes.

BumbleBee whirred at you in annoyance, throwing his servos in the air and turning around a little bit, annoyed at that comment.

Bee usually got annoyed at things like that, and would normally end up hitting you 'lightly' on the head when he did this.

But this time was different.

It was much different this time.

In the blink of an eye, blue electricity could be seen with Cybertron moving.


You looked around with Viviane and Cade, crossing your arms as you looked up at Cybertron.

Quintessa was obviously active.

You watched several cybertronian attachments collide, creating explosions and small rocks falling.

This was bad.

You looked around, eyes widening.

"It's gonna crush us." Cade stated. "Get that ship clear of the crush zone now!"

"We got to bail!" Lennox yelled.

"Move to the ospreys!" Santos shouted.

You and the others began to run quickly, several things being crushed.

"Move, Move, Move! To the ospreys!" One of the men yelled.

You, Cade and Viviane ran beside each other, bumblebee and hot Rod on the other end.

"That things gonna roll right over us!" Hound yelled, carrying his gun.

You saw it falling, BumbleBee running right beside you.

"Move!" One of the soldiers shouted.

You saw the jets moving, before seeing the ship that the Autobots would do.

Cybertron was dragging through the earth.

This was bad.

Cybertron was crashing onto earth and you didn't want to be on earth when it was happening.

You doubted anyone did.

You kept running, Hot Rod at the front with the T.R.F in the middle, Viviane, you and Cade beside BumbleBee who was at the side of the group running.

Hot Rod kept looking back at Viviane to make sure she was good, while Bee kept looking at you and Cade to make sure that the both of you were alright.

Optimus was most likely on Cybertron by now.

The decepticons were most likely with Quintessa by now and you did not plan to be there when Quintessa was in a fight with everyone else.

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