Chapter 15!

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You, Cade, Viviane, Cogman and Edmond walked into a room, it having a fire lit in the middle, Cogman taking a different path entirely.

"Now, this place was built around the original round table." Edmond spoke. "Percival, Gawain, Tristan, Lancelot. They sat right here. Twelve in all. And behind them sat the 12 who came from cybertron."

Cybertronians have been on earth longer than you had expected.

"Twelve alien knights who saw in camelot what the human race could be at its finest. A race of honour." Edmond said.

You looked over, spotting Cogman sat at an organ, Edmond sighing.

Was he really..?

Viviane and Cade looked over, also stunned at Cogman for what he was doing.

He was actually rather good.

"Cogman?" Edmond said.

Cogman immediately stopped.

"You ruined the moment again!" Edmond exclaimed, biting his lip.

Cogman turned around, looking to Edmond.

"I was making the moment more... epic." Cogman stated, sighing.

"Just be quiet." Edmond said. "what's the matter with you? If I could find his neck, I'd strangle him."

Edmond then turned, pointing to a chest plate that was used for war, it seeming rather old.

"This belonged to King Arthur himself. Now, legend held that one last knight would someday be chosen and the struggle to save the world would begin." Edmond said, then looked to Cade. "It would appear, Mr. Cade, that that last knight is you."

You looked to Cade, snickering.

"Wouldn't wanna be you, buddy." You stated, grinning.

Cade shot you a glare, before looking back at Sir Edmond Burton.

"You're saying he traveled the whole universe to find me?" Cade asked, walking closer to him.

"No, not you specifically. Not a failed inventor from the state of Texas. No, god forbid." Edmond said, before looking to Cogman.

Cogman was being dramatic again.

The sound of a woman doing opera could be heard, and it was Cogman.

What a surprise.

"Stop it!" Edmond yelled.

Cogman stopped almost immediately.

"What?" Cogman asked.

"You know, if you don't stop it, I will send you back to Cybertron in a tiny little box." Edmond said, before looking to Cade.

"Scary." Cogman commented.

"I am not a failed inventor." Cade stated.

"He's lying to himself again." You whispered to Viviane, raising an eyebrow.

"I can tell." Viviane responded.

"No, he meant the qualities of a knight, Mr. Cade. Miss Viviane, the qualities of a knight, if you please?" Edmond asked.

"Qualities of a knight, purity of heart, valour, honour, virtue and integrity." Viviane said.

This was getting odd.

"I have those." Cade stated.

"And most importantly... is he chaste?" Edmond asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Chased?" Cade said.

Oh no.

He was going to get bullied by British people.

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