Chapter 17!

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You, Viviane and Cade had made it out without being spotted, and she was currently on the phone with Sir Edmond Burton who was most likely with Cogman.

The sounds of screaming, sirens and crashes could be heard in the background.

Sir Edmond Burton picked up.

"Navy museum!" Viviane said on the phone.

You looked over and spotted BumbleBee and Hot Rod.

Thank god.

"Couldn't you two have shown up a good 4 minutes ago?" You asked, looking to both the Lamborghini and Camaro.

Hot Rod only rolled his tires in response, BumbleBee revving his engine.

"I Call drivers seat." You said, grinning at Cade.

"Oh, shut up." Cade stated.

Cade got into back again, Viviane and you in passenger and drivers.

Both cars immediately began going, hot Rod falling back a little bit.

Viviane was still on call.

The radio came on.

"Bee, I'm gonna divert the cops!" Hot Rod said over the radio, and you could see the autobot going in front of Bee.

I looked to the wheel, Autobot insignia on it, before looking back.

"A Decepticon has been seen..." the radio came on, a females voice.

"What do you mean 'Decepticon'!" Cade questioned, before looking back.

You did the same.

A cop car.


"It's barricade!" You said.

"Here's where it gets intense." Cade stated, looking to Viviane.

"More intense?" Asked Viviane.

Barricade went right towards Bee in alt mode, but Bee swerved quickly, making a hard turn which caused a car to flip over.

He began to drive off, both your hands on the wheel at the moment.

"Bee?" Cade asked.

BumbleBee was still going, barricade following quickly.

Bee began making hard turns and swerves, Barricade matching the speed and the turns from behind.

Vivane yelled a little, gasping, obviously panicked.

"Its the wrong side of the street!" Viviane exclaimed.

"Y/n's not driving, he's driving!" Cade said, referring to BumbleBee.

As Bee continued accelerating, Viviane kept gasping or letting out small screams.

A cop car got stuck, and flipped over, an explosion happening.

Barricade wasn't slowed down.

When was he ever?

The two matched speeds, driving beside each other at this point.

"Bee, Head right, haul ass!" Cade yelled.

"Go!" Viviane exclaimed.

Bee transformed by a little, Cade and Viviane both hanging on.

You used one hand to grab onto Cade and the other to Viviane.

BumbleBee shot at Barricade, and Barricade got sent back into a building.

"That's how you get to the big leagues." Bee said through the radio, Mouth piece moving slightly.

You rolled your eyes, before Bee transformed back and you pulled Viviane and Cade back into position, before shaking your hands a little.

"What the hell? You are out of your mind!" Cade yelled.

"Let the 'bot live a little, Optimus isn't even here." You said, snickering.

BumbleBee stopped at a gate to the 'Navy Submarines' which would be a museum of some sort.

You quickly hopped out, going past lines with Cade and Viviane.

A red car pulled up, Sir Edmond Burton and Cogman stepping out.

"You didn't pay!" The man inside the ticket box said.

"Sorry!" Cade yelled.

"It's alright, I've got them!" Edmond said, covering for the three of you. "They just love submarines!"

You and the other two entered the submarine, the sound of Edmond yelling at several people being heard.

There was no way this would work.

"I'd prefer taking my chances on Strafe!" You said, looking around.

"This thing isn't gonna run." Cade deadpanned.

"The mission's in Deep, unexplored waters." Edmond said, before laughing. "It's wonderful! And the sour-sweet musk of men in close quarters. It's quite disgusting, really."

He sat down, tapping some of the parts to the submarine.

"I can imagine." You said, raising your eyebrows.

"But now this, the greatest mission of them all, one that I have longed for my entire life... to help turn the tide of human history, you know?" Edmond said, breathing out. "Now, alas, I can no longer join you."

Cogman stepped forward.


"But, my lord, you have been waiting for this moment for 71 years." Cogman stated.

"I know, I know, but I'm not knighthood material, I'm afraid." Edmond said, before looking to Cade and you. "And... you have your mission, and I have mine."

"Oh, no, no. You are not leaving us in this tin can with that four-foot mental psychopath. I don't think so." Cade stated.

"You're gonna hurt his feelings." You said, rolling your eyes. "I don't know about you, but me and Viviane are living."

"I prefer the word 'sociopath'." Cogman stated.

"Even worse!" You exclaimed.

"Mr. Cade, everything you've done in your life, your pain and your suffering, the loss of your wife, separation from your daughter, your financial difficulties. It's all just been a journey to this very moment." Edmond stated, smiling.

Cade raised both his eyebrows, before nodding to himself.

"You talk a lot." Cade said.

Now he realizes this?

"Yeah, I suppose I do." Edmond stated, before turning to Viviane. "My dear, your father left the alliance to you. For you alone."

Edmond then pat viviane's Shoulder, before looking to Cade.

"She knows the way to the staff." Edmond stated.

He then looked to you.

"If you start saying anything about my little ties with the matrix of leadership, the allspark, Optimus' resurrection or me and bumblebee, I swear to god I'm getting off the ship." You deadpanned, blinking at Edmond.

He laughed a little, before nodding and turning.

"Good luck to the three of you."

"It wouldn't be the strangest thing I've done today." Viviane stated.

"Hope the old girl's still got it." Cogman said.

The sound of creaking could be heard, the lights beginning to dim.

You quickly grabbed onto the top of the submarine, looking around.

"Okay. I didn't do that." Viviane stated.


There is no way this was going to work.

It shouldn't work.

But, of course, at this point, anything could work if you were talking about Cybertronians.

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