Chapter 11!

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"Will you get up?" Cade asked, rolling his eyes. "Stop trying to act like a hero!"

You, Cade, Izabella and jimmy were currently on the run from the T.R.F with the autobots, and the four of you were separated from the rest of the group, Jimmy on the floor.

"Get up!" You told jimmy.

"It was a beanbag? That shit hurt like a bullet, man! I felt it go through me!" Jimmy yelled, voicing the concern about himself.

|| Time Skip ||

You, Cade, Izabella and Jimmy had made it out of the building safely, you still having cuts on your arms with blood going down it, Cade having a gash on his leg, but jimmy and Izabella mainly just dirty.

"Come on, that building right there!" Cade said, sprinting, running into a different building.

"There's always one in charge!" Izabella yelled.

"We know!" You said, avoiding running into a man who was cleaning.

"Alright, we take out the big one, we're gonna take them all out!" Cade shouted.

You and him turned the corner, Cade pressing on an elevator door, the sound of whirring from outside being heard.

"Come on, Come on, come on. Hurry, hurry, they're coming." Jimmy told him, the elevator opening.

The four of you ran in, the doors beginning to close.

"Oh, my god! A leprechaun!" Jimmy yelled.

"Who the hell are you?" Cade asked.

It was a robotic being, it was humanoid, but also rather small at the same time.

"Leprechauns are tiny, green and Irish, and that is offensive." The robot said, having an accent.

Izabella looked at the humanoid being.

"What are you looking at, little girl?" It asked.

Cade and you sighed, you crossing your arms as you looked it up and down.

"Hello. Master Cade, master Y/n, I have been sent to collect you." It stated, having a masculine voice.

"Collect us?" Cade asked.

"Huh?" You said.

"That is correct." It responded.

"No, no. You're not collecting shit!" Cade said, taking a swing at the smaller being.

The robot counter attacked, and it was rather impressive, as it managed to almost crack Cade's finger in well under 5 seconds.

"Man! Slow down!" Cade yelled.

"So, you want to play rough-" it said.

The elevator door opened, a drone on the other end, everyone turn to look at it.

The drone flew at you and cade, the glass breaking as it managed to latch onto both you and Cade at the same time.

"No! No! Cade! Y/n!" Izabella could be heard yelling.

|| BumbleBee x Reader || The Last Knight ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें