Chapter 7!

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The sun was almost beginning to set, and you were sat down on the roof of the building within the junkyard, hound, Crosshairs and bee being the only autobots in sight at the current moment.

Izabella was down on the ground, as she had just gotten back from talking with Jimmy and Wheelie, as they were normally together.

Wheelie enjoyed teasing and pissing jimmy off while jimmy enjoyed pissing wheelie off and mocking him for his interests, habits and tastes in relatively anything.

Wheelie was just a bad influence overall.

BumbleBee hopped onto the roof, managing to get himself up there to sit beside you, kicking his feet as he whirred happily, optics dilating and narrowing a little to adjust to the light.

He used a servo to pat you on the head, letting his head rock from side to side as he looked at you, still kicking his feet, but not in any way aggressive

"Yeah, hello to you too, Bee Bee." You said, crossing your arms and leaning back, looking over at Cade and Hound.

"How much do you weigh?" Izabella asked, squinting her eyes as she looked up.

She was beside a small autobot named 'Sqweeks'.

"Are you technically considered overweight?" Izabella asked.

"No. It's just all my gear." Hound told her. "It's like somebody packed 10 pounds of shit in a five-pound sack."

"No, he's a chunky autobot." Crosshairs said, getting up and grinning as he poked hound with a pipe.

"You wanna stop that?" Hound asked.

"Play Nice, crosshairs, before you get your paint scratched by him again." You told the Corvette.

Last time he had insulted hound like that, Drift had to defuse the situation, as hound had lost his shit and decided to throw a bomb right at Crosshairs.

Most days were like that in the junkyard where he was just picking fights with each and every autobot there.

It was simply just Crosshairs personality, whether it was likeable or not.

Mainly Likeable in your eyes, as half the time you encouraged bad behaviour in the autobots, dinobots and mini dinobots.

Much to Jimmy and Cade's dismay.

"Hound, pull up the sat phone." Cade stated, about to call his daughter.

Tessa Yeager.

She helped back when KSI first made their debut, before going to college with her boyfriend 'Shane Dyson'.

Hound leaned against the roof, watching Cade as you and bumblebee were sat near him.

Slug was in the background with Grimlock, both dinobots running around the junkyard and tossing cars around to each other, as it was what they usually did to pass the time in the current day and age.

It was a large change from where they were originally, and when they were all in Lockdown's little cell, back when Lockdown was actually alive.

By now, Bumblebee was practically all over you, as he usually was, simply hugging you and moving his head to be as close as possible, mouth piece pressing up against you, as he didn't really have a mouth to 'kiss' you with.

"I'm bouncing a signal through Portugal, istanbul and katmandu." Hound said, holding onto his bullet. "You got 20 seconds, chief."

Hound put the bullet back into his mouth, Cade grabbing the phone.

"Try not to make it a sob story, Cade." You told him.

Hound spat out his bullet at T, knocking him off the roof and away from Cade.

"Whoops." Hound said.

"Really?" Cade asked.

"Infestation Of puppy transformers." Hound stated, looking at you, Bee and Cade. "This here's a big boy zone."

He looked at terry who was climbing the sign.

You moved Bee off of you to scoot next to Cade, bumbleBee whirring in disappointment and sadness as he moved closer too.

You leaned in, wanting to hear the call.

"Hello? Hello? Dad? Look, I know... I know you can't talk to me or say anything back. But you can listen." Tessa said over the phone.

The sun began to set, Cade still listening to the girl on the other end of the line.

"I'm gonna day what I always say until you hear me. You don't need to save the world with Y/n. You need a frigging girlfriend. Wherever you are, I Don't want you to die alone. And I know you only got five seconds left, so.. I'm fine. I'm safe. And I love.." she trailed off, but the call cut.

Twenty seconds up.

Cade set the phone down, face-palming as you leaned back to look at him again, hound and bee doing the same.

"Any longer, they'd have snagged our location." Hound said. "You're a hell of a father, Cade. Don't forget it."

Hound sighed.

"Hell, my dad never called me." Hound stated, beginning to walk away.

"Yknow they must have phones in heaven, but of course, my bastard brother is always so obsessed with women-" you said.

BumbleBee raised a servo to hit you lightly, whirring at you in annoyance.

Cade sighed and got up, rolling his eyes.

"Not the time." Cade sighed.

BumbleBee nodded in agreement with Cade.

"It's totally the time! Come on, the walls weren't thin in my house- do you know what I heard and seen my brother do?" You asked, raising your hands and getting up to completely dismiss the conversation.

"I can't tell if BumbleBee's stuck with you or if you're stuck with BumbleBee!" Cade yelled, rolling his eyes.

"Me." Bee said, using a slightly higher-pitched male voice, from an old movie that was based in the thriller genre.

You rolled your eyes but got off the roof, watching as the sun began to set into darkness, knowing that Izabella was most likely already asleep and Drift was most likely with hound and Crosshairs on the other end of the junkyard.

You'd hear their arguments in the middle of the night or you'd hear hound falling over as soon as dawn hits.

There was no telling when you lived in a junkyard filled with cybertronians who were rather oversized.

|| BumbleBee x Reader || The Last Knight ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ