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No one requests got7 and to put into perspective how long ago I wrote this they were still together-

Summary- Mark goes into labor unexpectedly while they are in L.A with his family. (Let's pretend they can fly pregnant)

The couple had decided to go to L.A go visit Marks family before the baby got there. They'd been there for about a month and were going to leave in a week. Mark had just hit 8 months.

He'd gotten up early as he was uncomfortable and couldn't sleep.

He sat in the living room half asleep a hand resting on his large baby bump.

His mom and dad came downstairs first going to the kitchen to drink coffee.

"What are you doing up so early?" His dad asked as he walked down stairs

"I was uncomfortable I couldn't sleep" mark mumbled softly standing up. The baby had dropped lower leaving a weird pressure in his hips.

His mom noticed the baby was sitting lower but didn't think anything of it.

Mark went upstairs going to the restroom and waking Jackson up before walking downstairs again getting cereal sitting at the table eating it wincing as he got a pain in his lower stomach.

"You okay baby?" Jackson asked as he seen the pained expression on marks face

"Mm yeah. Just a cramp" mark mumbled taking another bite of his cereal.

"Let me know if they get worse" Jackson spoke

Mark nodded and continued eating.

They were going to Disneyland to end off the trip so they all got ready and headed out.

They had fun but as the day went on pains got worse and the pressure was getting stronger.

"Mom" Mark spoke when Jackson and his dad walked somewhere


"I think I'm in labor" he spoke softly

She turned around quickly "how far apart are your contractions?"

"Like 10 minutes. There's just a lot of pressure and the pains started getting stronger." Mark mumbled leaning to the side on the bench he was sitting on in the shade as he got another contraction.

"Breathe sweetheart" his mom rubbed his back as Jackson and marks dad came back

"What's wrong?" Jackson asked concerned

"He's in labor"

"What?!" Jackson looked like tf and quickly walked over. "We have no baby stuff here. It's all in Korea."

"Well we can get some stuff now and you'll be able to go home on the same flight in a few days with the baby" marks mom spoke

"Mmmmm" mark hummed through the contraction taking in a deep breath as it ended "I don't have a midwife or doctor here" he said softly once the contraction ended

"There are plenty of doctor and midwives here sweetie" his mom said

"But Not mine" he said obviously nervous and scared to not be at home

"I know you want yours but we don't really have a choice right now so I will call and find somewhere but since it's still early we can go by the store and get everything you'll need for now okay?" His mom reassured him

Mark nodded and Jackson helped him up and they made their way back to the car stopping half way there for a contraction.

Jackson rubbed marks back gently, helping him through the contraction.

"Ohhh" mark groaned softly hiding his face in Jackson's chest as you could visibly see the baby drop lower with the contraction

"Oooo we need to hurry. The baby just dropped" marks mom said

"Mhm" mark nodded as Jackson helped him the rest of the way to the car.

His dad put all the stuff in the car and gave mark a pillow that was in the back so he could sit more comfortably. They went to the store grabbing the minimum of what would be needed before they went home.

"There's a midwife who I've known for a while. Do you want her to come to the house or do you want to go to the birth center" his mom asked

"Home please" Mark Said softly as he got another strong contraction groaning as they drove to the house

"I've got you baby breathe" Jackson says softly pressing on marks lower back to help with the pain but mark was extremely uncomfortable sitting in the car.

When they arrived at the house Jackson helped Mark in while his parents grabbed the stuff from the stores

"Ahhh I-" Mark groans more holding onto Jackson tightly as he dropped into a squat trying to relieve the pressure. Once the contraction passed he decided he needed to use the bathroom.

Once he sat he realized he definitely did not need to use the bathroom.

"J-Jackson!" Mark yells and Jackson runs quickly to the bathroom finding mark on the floor with his back against the bath tub and his legs open most definitely ready to push.

"Fuck" Jackson says and quickly grabs a towel sliding it under mark "go ahead baby push" he says softly rubbing marks thigh gently

Mark takes a shaky breath and pushes down trying not to cry through it not wanting to waste his energy on crying.

His mom walked in and quickly helped gather the things they'd need

Mark was having back to back horrendous contractions that were making him scream out in pain as he pushed, sobbing and crying through the pain unable to control those feelings any longer

"I know it hurts baby I'm so sorry" Jackson says softly putting a cold cloth on marks forehead

Mark couldn't get the words out that he wanted to say and just screamed softly as the baby's head started to crown. He didn't think more pain was possible but it most definitely was. There was an intense burning pain where the baby's Head was slowly coming out.

"A-ah it hurts!" He squeals out as he stopped pushing

"I know baby I'm sorry but you have to push, baby's head is right there. Push you have to push" Jackson says softly holding marks leg so he wouldn't try and close them

Mark let out a loud cry as he pushed again the baby's hear slowly moving down and out a feeling of relief washing over his face for a brief moment until the shoulders begin to rotate for the baby to come out completely.

"One big push baby and you'll be all done. Just one more" Jackson encourages him as he held their baby's Head in his hands

Mark sobbed softly and pushed again using his last bit of strength and energy pushing as hard as he could until he felt relief and heard a high pitched cry

"It's a girl" Jackson says softly smiling as he laid the tiny wiggly baby against marks chest

"O-oh hi princess, you're so beautiful" mark whispers softly as he looks down at the tiny baby girl who calmed down immediately hearing his voice

Soon after the midwife arrived and checked on the baby and did her check up and vitals before she checked on mark and got him stitched up.

She was a tiny little thing but the most healthy and perfect baby.

They were both so incredibly happy to have her.

Anotha one. Once again please ignore my typos these have been written over like a 6 month time period at different times in the middle of the night.

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