Chapter Sixty-Seven : The Love of a Brother

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I've seen dead people before. Sometimes Gladers died right in front of me in the Medhut when they would succumb to sicknesses. It didn't happen often, but it did happen and me and the other Medjacks would have to watch and wonder what we did wrong. I never liked looking at the dead bodies, none of us did, so the Baggers were always right on top of it.

Buck was always on top of it.

Every. Damn. Time.

Never wasted a second.

I never thought she would die.

I think everyone thought she was invincible.

I was shocked into silence, the sounds of Thomas's screams and Charlie's sobs haunted my ears and echoed through the train station. Newt was on my right, Minho was on my left, Brenda was on her knees next to Jorge while Fry stood next to Gally who held Charlie close to him with his seemingly one good arm. Nothing seemed right. It felt like one big joke, as if Buck was going to pop up and laugh at us for falling for her terrible prank.

But she didn't.

Thomas laid her body across the pavement, sucking in his tears of pain as he whispered something into her ear that none of us could hear. He lifted his head up and left a kiss on her pale dead head before standing up to his two feet. My eyes followed him as he stumbled backwards, almost tripping over his feet. Tears stained his cheeks and his face was held together by guilt and grief, and I think looking at me made it worse because he turned around quickly and walked out into the raging battle of the cities.

I pulled myself out of Minho and Newt's soft grasp, crawling my way over to Buck as she lay there peacefully. The breath I didn't know I was holding released into sobs as I fell into her body, grabbing her shirt and allowing my tears to flow. When I lifted my head back up again, Minho was in front of me, Fry by his side, and Newt came from behind me to rest a hand on my back. Jorge couldn't bring himself to come closer and Brenda stayed back with him, holding him steady while the man sat in shock. Gally kept Charlie close to him as the boy dug his face into Gally's chest, unable to look in Buck's direction.

Fry, trying to hold back his tears, gently reached his hand over and ran his fingers over Buck's eyes, closing them. She just looked like she was sleeping. My mind kept playing with me, making me think that her chest was rising when it wasn't.

This wasn't fair. Buck had been fighting for her entire life and she never complained, she never cared what she had to do, she just did it. She fought our evil mother, she fought the Scorch, she fought WICKED, she fought the whole entire world. The one time she needed someone else to fight for her, and I failed. There were so many people, so much war and chaos, that I got lost in the smoke and flames. Minho was with me, but he knew just as much as I did when it came to the city. When we finally found Newt, Brenda, Fry and Charlie again and were pointed in the right direction, it was too late.

She didn't deserve to die like this.

I couldn't let her die like this.

There had to be something I could do.

I looked at the knife that poked out of Buck's stomach, looked at the pool of blood that circled her body and almost touched my knees. I was the fucking Keeper of the Medjacks for Christ sake! I couldn't be so dumb as to not know what to do in a situation like this. Buck did everything for me, risked everything for me, died coming to save me...

I couldn't let her die like this.

Not in the city she hated.

Not surrounded by war and destruction.

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