Chapter One : The Dark Box

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22:36 HOURS


   I sat on their rusty old chair inside their humid tent, walls closed around me and my hands handcuffed to the arms of the chair. I did not move, I just stared into the eyes of the man who sat across from me. The man they called Vince, the leader of the Right Arm. Next to him stood a woman, I didn't know her but I knew of her. She was working for WICKED until she switched up sides.

   Vince leant back in his chair, looking me up and down while I stood with my back straight. I had already memorised every detail of their camp so I knew what to do if things went south. This chair was rusted enough that I could break it, also breaking me free from my handcuffs. I wasn't afraid of anyone who'd try to stop me. Why would I be? They don't know who I am but they will. And then they'd be scared. Unless they listened to what I had to say.

   "You killed one of my men." The man's voice spoke, filling the silence.

   "He got in my way." I said back, my voice raspy and deep.

   "He was one of our best men." He then said. "I don't take that lightly."

   "I didn't come here to kill your people." I said in return.

   "Who are you?" The women asked me and I shifted my eyes to meet hers. "Do you work for WICKED?"

I couldn't help but burst out into a fit of laughter. Me being part of WICKED? I've heard stupid things before, but this one takes the cake.

"I don't work for WICKED." I told them when my laughter finally died down.

"Then who are you?" Vince asked me.

   "Buck. My name is Buck." I told him. "But you might of heard of me as The Scorch Reaper."

   Vince's head shot up straight and he leant over the table while the woman took a step closer, grabbing the back of his chair. They knew me. Everyone knew me. I was the most feared woman in all the Scorch, even by WICKED. But I was also the most desired by people like the Right Arm. By rebellions.

I could do the things they wished they could do. And I didn't even do it for anyone but myself. Well, myself and my brother.

"Your just a child!" Vince spoke up. "There's no way..."

"You said yourself, I killed one of your best men, and I didn't even break a sweat while doing it."

I could tell they were both intimidated by me, but they really tried to look like they weren't. I was young, but the world doesn't care how old you are. I learned real quick that if you wanted to live, then you have to do things you don't want to. My brother never figured that part out, which was why he always had to stay back. It's also why he got caught.

   "What made you want to join the Right Arm?" Vince asked as he glanced at the woman who continued to look at me. Maybe with sympathy. Maybe judgment. I couldn't tell.

   "WICKED stole my brother from me" I told him, my stare never wavering. "He's the only reason I came here."

   "You really thought you could protect him all on your own?" He asked me and I lifted my head higher, clenching my fists.

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now