Chapter Forty-Seven : Brave Little Soldier

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00:00 HOURS


   I watched Thomas wave the bomb around in every guards face, barking orders a them that they weren't going to listen to. I recognized the handy work of Jorge's bombs, but if he had any sense then he'd be gone by now, off to who the fuck knows where. As long as it wasn't here, that was all that mattered. Shit was going wrong here, and I wasn't sure if it was going to get any better. We basically had our hands tied behind our backs.

   Soldiers were on top of me, holding me up by each arm even though I felt like my body was going to crumble into ash. The only thing I was able to smell was my own burning flesh, and it was a horrendous smell. I was just about ready to curl into a ball and let myself succumb to my wounds. Blood poured from every part of my body, my nose, my ears, finger nails, cuts going all across my arms, legs, and face. To put it nicely, I looked like a fucking wreck.

   "Thomas, just put it down." Janson tried, but when he took a step closer, Thomas put his thumb right above the detonator in his other hand.

   "You let them all go now, or I swear to god!" Thomas threatened, making Janson back up again.

   "Thomas, please stop!" Teresa's scared voice boomed over the rest as she pushed herself in front of Paige and Janson.

   When I looked at her face, I thought about all the ways I was going to kill her if I got out of here alive. I thought about every cut and bruise I was going to inflict on her body. The torture I had planned for her would not just send me to jail in the world before, but it would give me the death penalty. She ruined everything good in my life. She stole the Right Arm, she got Mary killed, she was about to take my brother, and she actually stole Thomas from me.

She stole him.

   "I made a deal with them." Teresa tried to explain to him, her eyes never staying on Thomas, probably because she thought that if she looked at me, I'd turn her to stone. "They promised we'd be safe! All of us!"

   "And I'm supposed to trust you now?" Thomas questioned her, making her face fall and tears roll down her cheek.

   I wasn't sure what reaction she expected Thomas to have after she pulled a stunt like this. This entire journey, all the people we lost, all the shit we went through to get here, it was all for nothing because of her. She killed hundreds of people tonight. The Right Arm is completely destroyed because she thought that her moral code was better than this. Better then living a life filled with nothing but normal times. She ruined it all and just expected us to be on board because WICKED made her a fake promise? I felt sorry for her, because her mind was so weak that she thought her truth was the only truth.

   "It's true, it was her only condition." Paige confirmed, as if that made any difference.

   "SHUT UP!" Thomas shouted loudly, making Ava and Teresa take a step away from the crazed boy with a bomb clutched in his hands.

   "Everything can go back to the way that it was." Paige told him softly, as if talking any louder would spook him. "Thomas... do you really want all of them to die?"

   "Listen to her Thomas." Janson's rat-like voice spoke.

   I watched the confliction wash over his sweaty face, his hands shaking as he held that bomb in his hand, his thumb still dangerously close to the button of the detonator. I think, for a second, Thomas really thought about giving up and putting the bomb away. He looked defeated and scared and angry and desperate. I wish I could have gotten up and done something, but I could barely feel the left side of my body through all the pain.

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