Chapter Forty-Four : To Be Addicted

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TRIGGER WARNING - This chapter is going to go over the sensitive subject of drugs and addiction.




19:46 HOURS


I was on my knees as I helped Charlie to zip up his brand new coat given to us by the Right arm, and he enjoyed it's warmth. I took a little beanie and placed it over his head and gave him a soft smile before giving his nose a quick boop. He laughed, pushing my hand away as if I was embarrassing him while dropping him off at school.

I had found myself a black long-sleeved shirt and sage green cargo pants which I then topped off with Thomas's jacket that I refused to return, not that he had asked for it back anyway. The shirt didn't really cover up my entire chest, so the bandages were still very visible to the world. Suddenly, I felt a fabric get tossed gently around my neck and I stepped back in shock. I looked down to Charlie as he adjusted the scarf so that it looked nice and kept my bandages hidden.

"There. Nothing to see here!" He said cheerfully and I smiled.

"Nothing at all." I said, pushing him forward. "You hungry?"

"Hell yeah I am!" Charlie announced as me and him walked out of the tent decked out in our new gear.

I hadn't been able to see Brenda yet, but from the update Jorge gave me, she was doing good after getting the bliss. I haven't seen Thomas either since Mary dragged him away with her, but if Brenda got the Bliss, I assumed he would be roaming around the camp somewhere. My best guess was that he was grabbing a new set of fresh clothes like the rest of us had.

There was order here, people knew what to do and how to do it. The last time I was here, people were lost, frightened, and ready to take revenge without thinking of a plan. Now they were living the life out here in the mountains, laughing and having a good time in each others company. Then tomorrow it was off to The Safe Haven. Everyone who was here deserved to be here.

Maybe even me.

"Alrighty, let's see what we've got." I said, walking Charlie over to the big open table of food.

There was an assortment of different things like fruits, vegetables, and meat. All of it was stuff that we haven't had in days. Not since the Glade. It was a relief to be able to have something real. I grabbed a plate for me and then handed one over to Charlie who snatched it with excitement.

"Hey guys!" I heard Joey say and I gave him a wave as I watched him, Newt, Fry, and Minho walk off with their full plates. "We're headed up the mountain to eat if you guys want to join."

I nodded in response and he smiled, turning back the way he was walking while leaving a kiss on Newt's head. Of course, Minho gagged when he saw it which lead to Joey throwing him into the side of a truck. There wasn't a time when those two weren't trying to strangle one another.

At first, I wondered why the hell he would want me around him after that talk we had earlier, and it took me a long time to really be able to figure it out. He wasn't saying that being around me made him uncomfortable, he just wasn't ready to be my brother. He wasn't ready to be anyone's brother. He barely understood the Scorch, much less his old life. Right now he still thought he was Desmond, and he wasn't ready to be anyone else.

I was just glad to see him happy. Even though it hurt, I knew it wasn't about me, it was about him. There was a time where things between us were good, and I knew I would be able to get that again. I just had to be patient.

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt