Chapter Ten : Beetle Blade

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   We hadn't had a banishment like this in a long time. All the Gladers surrounded the Doors in complete silence, the sun setting over the horizon. I, like the other Keepers, held a wooden pole that would be used to push Ben into the Maze when he ultimately began fighting. A long time ago, Buck told us she would make it easier and just kill them right then and there rather then go through the trouble. The other Baggers all rallied behind her, but everyone else disagreed. Including me. But I always seemed to question that choice when a Banishment actually happened. I think we all did. I glanced over to Minho and saw him with his head down, staring at his hands as we waited.

I remember after Ben was taken away and Buck was safe, I made a bolt for the North Door with a few other Gladers. Minho was supposed to come out that way. I didn't know if he was okay or if he was stung too, but he wasn't. He walked back into the Glade as if nothing had happened, wondering where Ben had gone. Now he tried to hide the fact that he was upset, but who could blame him? Ben was on of his Runners.

I looked over to Newt and he looked from me to Minho, then back to me. Everyone began to stiffen up when the screams of Ben echoed through the field loudly like a dying animal. We all looked back with dark expressions across our faces to see them approaching.

Ben no longer wore his Runner's gear, only a tank top and a pair of shorts that were covered in black splotches, dirt, and sweat. He looked like he was already dead, his body broken to a point where he almost could have been. His hands were tied behind his head, all weapons taken away from his sweat soaked body. Behind him, pushing him forward as he thrashed, was Buck.

Buck was the best person to have done this. She was someone who wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. Nothing ever seemed to faze her like it would for someone else. If Ben had tried to kill any other Glader it would have been different; that Glader wouldn't be able to come near Ben, much less drag him to his death. She had this deadpan look across her face as if she had done this hundreds of times before, as if this were a regular occurrence.

But it wasn't.

"No please!" Ben shouted, trying to pull against Buck's grip. "Buck you have to listen to me please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! Please don't do this to me!"

Before Buck, this process was a lot more difficult because anyone would have broken down from his sobs and pleads. Buck didn't care for it, she ignored it and acted as though she couldn't hear him even though he would scream in her ear. She never flinched and never reacted to anything, almost as if she didn't care.

"ALBY PLEASE!" Ben shouted, probably realizing that trying to reason with Buck was almost impossible.

Buck brought him into the middle of all of us, our bodies blocking the boy in as he was forced to his knees. Buck took her blade from her hip, placing it against the rope that tied his hands together, cutting him free. She was still missing one of the knives on her forearm. I'm not sure why that was one of the things I was focused on.

Ben fell hard to the ground, gasping for breath as a horrid liquid started spilling from his mouth. He didn't even sound human anymore as he growled and gasped. He sobbed harder, begging and pleading us to keep him inside the Glade. Buck looked to Alby and the leader nodded to her so she walked to the doors, taking a bag of rations from a Glader standing to the side. She tossed the bag into the Maze, turning back to Ben.

"No, please don't do this!" The sick boy begged. "Please don't do this to me."

That's when the familiar sound of clanging echoed through the Maze with a gust of wind. Ben began panicking, trying to get back to his feet with effort while we all watched.

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